New 2.4 version feature: Welcome LESS and built-in themes
The feedback from our customers is a crucial source of improvements for Flexmonster team. We carefully collect the requests, analyze them and implement the most expected ones in our major releases.
In the 2.4 release, we decided to simplify the maintenance of CSS. Starting from version 2.4, we are using a CSS pre-processor named Less. The CSS pre-processor greatly extends the CSS language with variables, functions and many other features. Previously the process of creating a new theme or editing the existing styles implied some significant efforts. Less is offering lots of benefits to our customers. For example, the package with our component will contain Less source code as well as compiled CSS files. This will allow you to quickly add your own styles on top of Less files. Just redefine Less variables instead of updating the CSS classes one by one. This option allows you to extend basic CSS features. We hope that the usage of Less will provide you with a better web reporting experience.
We have been receiving lots of requests about built-in skins. Our team is thrilled to announce that version 2.4 comes with a bunch of predefined CSS themes. From now on you can change the look of the component just by updating one line of code. The default theme was also updated with lighter and more transparent colors. Nevertheless, our 2.3-styled skin remains available as well. Enjoy the variety of themes and choose the one that fits your needs best. With the help of Less creating your own themes in corporate colors is super easy. Just copy the Less file with one of our themes and redefine several variables with basic colors to create the new theme. You can try out demo. We have made this process maximally effortless and hope you will enjoy creating the new skins in corporate colors.
You are welcome to download version 2.4