Case study: Giving World in cooperation with Flexmonster
Giving World is a non-profit organization that provides a unique way for businesses to donate their surplus stock and unwanted items to charitable organizations.
Their primary goal is to give a helping hand to people in need by providing them with much-needed resources. We should note that GW is a one-of-a-kind UK service that allows busy businesses and charity partners to arrange the logistics directly completely free of charge.
Challenges faced by Giving World
Prior to Flexmonster, the Giving World team had been using a custom-created website to track the donations and allow partner organisations to request the available items.
The website was equipped with pre-defined reports created by web developers. But over the years, the number of organization activities started to grow, and so did the data. At some point, the website system became noticeably unmanageable and unwieldy.
Once the website has been updated to meet the challenges of an organization’s scaling, the Giving World team took the chance to look around more flexible reporting solutions on the market. Showing the data more efficiently on a case-by-case basis was among the top requirements.
Giving World in cooperation with Flexmonster
Now the members of the Giving World team can look at the transactional data, drawn from the SQL database tables, and track donors and receivers, as well as the items that are donated from one to the other. The team emphasizes that Flexmonster is an easy-to-use tool for data reporting which allows looking at data from a great variety of angles.
Here’s a brief overview of the core features that are beneficial for the analysis of important data within the company. Everyone on the Giving World team can:
- Create a pivot table on the fly
- Deal with all of the data at once
- Look at the different dimensions of the data
- Save a report and load it at a later date
- Export the report when it’s required and in the most appropriate format
All these reporting capabilities have a significant impact on how the Giving World team directs their efforts, e.g., define what items are most needed, or identify where the areas of the greatest need are.
Moreover, as a charity, the summarized data provided by Flexmonster is vital to their ability to report back to the Giving World's funders and donors about past and ongoing activities.
Giving World found Flexmonster at a time when they needed to expand the flexibility of their data reporting. Our product turned out to be a good fit for their needs. And we're happy to bring value to GW - the philanthropic organization that makes the world a better and fairer place day-by-day.