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Flutter Pivot Grid

Integration possibilities extended: Flexmonster Pivot & Flutter framework

When creating a product, creators always determine its main functions and needs, which it should face. Such clearly defined values and vectors of improvement allow other developers to choose the suitable component for their software or application easily.

Thus, integrations between products are one of the best methods of building better software, as you can skim the cream and prepare a product with only the best ingredients.

That's why the Flexmonster team takes development trends in the market very seriously so that you can use the strengths of Flexmonster Pivot Table & Charts in cooperation with other best products without any complexities.

So today, we want to announce the new member of our integrations list - Flutter framework!

But before that, we want to clarify why it got so much attention this time.

What is Flutter?

For those who haven't heard about this new Google creation, Flutter is an open-source development kit and framework for creating mobile applications for Android and iOS, web applications, and desktop applications for Windows, macOS, and Linux using the Dart programming language.

The first version of Flutter, introduced in May 2017, ran only on the Android operating system, but it already had a unique perception of its future:

“... to revolutionize app development: combining the iterative development model of the web with hardware-accelerated graphics rendering and pixel-level control that were previously the preserve of games.” 

This idea and product inspired many. Over the past 5 years, with the power of the community and the support of Google, the framework has become one of the most popular solutions for cross-platform development and received 2 more full releases.

You can check all the latest improvements in the Flutter 3.3 announcement to at least roughly estimate the amount of work done on improving this framework.

Main Flutter advantages

As we mentioned earlier, the main goal of Flutter was to revolutionize the mobile development field. As a result, it reached the level of an advanced cross-platform development tool.

And it didn't happen just like that, but because among the strengths of Flutter are:

  • Speed. Flutter code compiles into ARM or Intel machine code, as well as JavaScript, for fast performance on any device.
  • Productivity. Thanks to the Hot Reload feature, you don’t need to rebuild the project. Simply update code and see changes almost instantly, without losing state.
  • Flexibility. Unlike other cross-platform toolkits such as React Native and Xamarin, which draw widgets using native platform components, Flutter renders widgets on a per-pixel basis. So you have control of every pixel to create customized, adaptive designs that look and feel great on any screen.
  • Multi-Platformness. No need to explain - reach any device from the same codebase.
  • Developed by the community for the community. Automated testing, developer tooling, and everything you need to build production-quality apps are included for the best experience. And, of course, the support of the community of global developers.

Why integrate Flexmonster Pivot Table with Flutter?

Flexmonster and Flutter have enough shared values that significantly increase the chances of successful product integration. 

As well as Flexmonster, the Flutter community appreciates software with good performance and pays attention to its improvement. Perhaps the best proof is that Flutter apps are written in the Dart language and use many of the language's more advanced features.

We seek to provide our users with the fullest solution to their requests. With Flexmonster and Flutter ready-made integration, you will be ready for production on iOS and Android. With the Flexmonster customization options and a wide list of APIs in cooperation with Flutter’s ability to create many apps from a single codebase, developers can finally achieve that dream of unparalleled productivity.

In addition, Flexmonster, like Flutter developers, cares about the accessibility of our component, so by integrating our tools, you will only win with additional easy support of all standards of modern accessibility.

How to start with Flexmonster and Flutter integration?

Although Flutter is built on the concept of widgets, there is no pivot component in the list, so this is where Flexmonster Pivot Table & Charts come in handy, offering a quick and convenient solution for embedding data analytics and data visualization into your application.

The overall process of integration is relatively straightforward - we offer a complete guide in 5 simple steps on how to add Flexmonster to your Flutter project.

You can also immediately explore the ready-made sample project on our GitHub, as well as download and run it yourself to see the integration in action right away.

To do it, simply clone the repository and install Flutter dependencies:

git clone
cd pivot-flutter
dart pub get

Then connect it to your device. Depending on your OS, you can see how to do it in the Flutter documentation.

Then simply run the project via console:

flutter run

Now you can see our classic sample demos built with the Flutter framework.

Except for the introductory part, our documentation will provide you with several useful sections on how to use our component inside the project and how to configure and communicate with it:

  1. See Flexmonster’s parameters
  2. Use methods and events in Flutter
  3. Access Flexmonster functionality through JavaScript
  4. Troubleshooting

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