Flexmonster Software License Agreement (“Agreement”) has been revised and is effective as of January 7, 2025.
The following modifications were made:
The modified version of Agreement is available here.
Downloading, installing, and/or continuing to use Flexmonster Software after January 7, 2025, constitutes Licensee’s acceptance of the terms and conditions of the modified version of Agreement. If Licensee does not agree to any of these terms and conditions, they must cease using Flexmonster Software and must not download, install, use, access, or continue to access Flexmonster Software. By continuing to use Flexmonster Software or renewing the license or maintenance after the effective date of these modifications to Agreement, Licensee accepts and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the modified Agreement.
Flexmonster Pivot Table & Charts integrates with Highcharts — the rock-solid and flexible charting library — in a few steps.
Smart business analytics has never been as engaging and straightforward as reporting with Flexmonster pivot grid for React and Highcharts. Add a data dashboard to your report and see how an essential tool for monitoring business objectives and performance will boost your analytics.
All the vital metrics and KPIs can be seen at a glance when displayed on a dashboard. To have another view of your data, slice & dice it on the grid and reveal the insights via the charts.
import React, { Component } from "react"; import * as FlexmonsterReact from "react-flexmonster"; import "flexmonster/lib/flexmonster.highcharts.js"; import Highcharts from "highcharts"; class PivotTableDemo extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.myRef = React.createRef(); } render() { return ( <div className="App"> <FlexmonsterReact.Pivot ref={this.myRef} componentFolder="https://cdn.flexmonster.com/" height={300} licenseFilePath="https://cdn.flexmonster.com/jsfiddle.charts.key" report={{ dataSource: { type: "json", filename: "data/demos/highcharts-demo-data.json", }, slice: { rows: [ { uniqueName: "Date.Month", }, ], columns: [ { uniqueName: "[Measures]", }, ], measures: [ { uniqueName: "Requests", aggregation: "sum", }, { uniqueName: "Answered Calls", aggregation: "sum", }, { uniqueName: "Revenue", aggregation: "sum", format: "currency", active: false, }, ], sorting: { column: { type: "desc", tuple: [], measure: { uniqueName: "Answered Calls", aggregation: "sum", }, }, }, }, formats: [ { name: "", thousandsSeparator: ",", }, { name: "currency", decimalSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2, currencySymbol: "$", }, ], options: { showHeaders: false, }, }} reportcomplete={this.reportComplete} /> <div class="demo-box"> <div class="demo-title"> Requests vs Answered Calls </div> <div id="highcharts-container"></div> </div> <div class="demo-box"> <div class="demo-title"> Revenue vs Support Cost </div> <div id="highcharts-column-container"></div> </div> <div class="demo-box"> <div class="demo-title"> Customer Satisfaction </div> <div id="highcharts-pie-container"></div> </div> </div> ); } reportComplete = () => { this.myRef.current.flexmonster.off(this.reportComplete); this.setGlobalChartsOptions(); this.createLineChart(); this.createColumnChart(); this.createPieChart(); }; setGlobalChartsOptions() { Highcharts.setOptions({ colors: [ "#4cbf8b", "#e8734c", "#ffcd4c", "#9875e3", "#4c9eff", "#8acfc3", "#cd97e6", "#f1d34c", "#65d2e7", ], lang: { thousandsSep: ",", }, chart: { plotBackgroundColor: "#fafafa", backgroundColor: "#fafafa", style: { fontFamily: "Serif Typeface", }, }, }); } createLineChart() { this.myRef.current.flexmonster.highcharts.getData( { type: "line", }, this.drawLineChart, this.updateLineChart, ); } drawLineChart(chartData) { chartData.xAxis.title.enabled = false; chartData.xAxis.type = "datetime"; Highcharts.chart("highcharts-container", chartData); } updateLineChart(chartData) { this.drawLineChart(chartData); } createColumnChart() { this.myRef.current.flexmonster.highcharts.getData( { type: "column", slice: { rows: [ { uniqueName: "Date.Month", }, ], columns: [ { uniqueName: "[Measures]", }, ], measures: [ { uniqueName: "Revenue", aggregation: "sum", }, { uniqueName: "Support Cost", aggregation: "sum", }, ], }, }, this.drawColumnChart, this.updateColumnChart, ); } drawColumnChart(chartData) { let currencyFormat = rawData.meta.formats.find( (format) => format.name == "currency", ); chartData.xAxis.title.enabled = false; chartData.legend = { enabled: false, }; if (chartData.yAxis == undefined) chartData.yAxis = {}; for (let i = 0; i < chartData.yAxis.length; i++) { chartData.yAxis[i].labels = { format: pivot.highcharts.getAxisFormat(currencyFormat), }; } for (let i = 0; i < chartData.series.length; i++) { chartData.series[i].tooltip = { pointFormat: "{series.name}: <b>" + pivot.highcharts.getPointYFormat(currencyFormat) + "</b><br/>", }; } chartData.xAxis.title.enabled = false; chartData.legend = { enabled: false, }; chartData.xAxis.type = "datetime"; Highcharts.chart("highcharts-column-container", chartData); } updateColumnChart(chartData) { // Here you can add your own logic for updating the chart } createPieChart() { this.myRef.current.flexmonster.highcharts.getData( { type: "pie", slice: { rows: [ { uniqueName: "Customer Satisfaction", }, ], columns: [ { uniqueName: "[Measures]", }, ], measures: [ { uniqueName: "Answered Calls", aggregation: "sum", }, ], }, }, this.drawPieChart, this.updatePieChart, ); } drawPieChart(chartData) { Highcharts.chart("highcharts-pie-container", chartData); } updatePieChart(chartData) { // Here you can add your own logic for updating the chart } } export default PivotTableDemo;
.demo-box { background-color: #fafafa; position: relative; padding: 40px 30px 30px 30px; border: 1px solid #e9e9e9; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 40px; } .demo-title { font-size: 18px; margin-bottom: 30px; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; color: #555; }
Learn how to create a ready-to-use React dashboard equipped with interactive features of the pivot table and charts by following the step-by-step integration with Highcharts guide.