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blank lines when selecting some measures and products

Jose Eduardo Almeida asked on January 17, 2024

When selecting Product and some measures we would like to see this with Measure and Product side (see Correct.png) to avoid a lot of blank lines (see wrong.png)


10 answers

Jose Eduardo Almeida January 17, 2024

We implement our own Custom Data Source API (Implement your own server) and We use multi level Hierarchies

Maksym Diachenko Maksym Diachenko Flexmonster January 18, 2024

Hello, Jose!

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Please note that the desired layout can be achieved by using the classic view. With the classic pivot table, you can show hierarchy sublevels and measures in separate columns or rows. This view type can be set in the report with the grid.type option or via the "Options" Toolbar tab.
You are welcome to check the example with two measures added as rows, imitating the layout on the "Correct.png": https://jsfiddle.net/flexmonster/nktjs9gp/

Please let us know if our answer helped you.

Best Regards,

Eduardo Cruz March 26, 2024

Hi Maksym
Sorry for the delay.
When I use the grid type classic for one level works fine (attachment before_drill_down.png) but when I do the drill down for other level the measure goes under the product as you can see on the attached file after_drill_down.png. Do you have any solution for that?
Best Regards,

Maksym Diachenko Maksym Diachenko Flexmonster March 27, 2024

Hello, Eduardo!

Thank you for writing to us.

Based on the given screenshots, it looks like you have added values to rows in your slice. Please note that this is the expected layout for such cases. The duplicating measures displayed under the first column are the subtotals for the "4318" member in "Produto" field. You can disable subtotals for rows by setting the showTotals grid option as "columns" or "off". These option values will allow showing the subtotals only for columns or disabling them respectively.
You are welcome to check the example: https://jsfiddle.net/flexmonster/rxny0kg2/ 
If you require additional tuning of where to show/hide totals and grand totals, we suggest testing these settings via the Options tab in the Toolbar.

Please let us know if the suggested solution worked for you.

Best Regards,

Eduardo Cruz April 8, 2024

Hi Maksym,
The solution on the last answer does not attend what I need. When I have 'Produto' and 'Medidas' on 'COLUNAS'(columns) as you can see in evidence1.png, we don't have the blank lines 'Produto' like 'Calcados' is aligned  with the 'Medidas' 'Wp Vendas V' as you can see in the evidence2.png and this is correct, But when we put 'Produto' and 'Medidas' on 'Linhas' (line) as you can see in evidence3.png , we have the blanks lines as you can see in  evidence4.png, and this is not, right the correct would be the 'Produto' like 'Calcados' be in the same line as  the 'Medidas' 'Wp Vendas V' 
This can be reproduced on https://jsfiddle.net/flexmonster/o4jywt38/
In the evidence5.png and evidence6.png  we can see it right like evidence1.png and evidence2.png and in the evidence7.png and evidence8.png we can see it worng because we have the blanks
Best Regards,

Maksym Diachenko Maksym Diachenko Flexmonster April 10, 2024

Hello, Eduardo!

Thank you for your response.

Our team reviewed the newly provided screenshots. We have noticed that the screenshot from evidence8.png shows the compact grid layout. Please note that to achieve the desired layout (as shown on Correct.png), you should use the classic layout. This layout would display hierarchies and measures in separate columns. Also, to hide totals displayed below the "Product" hierarchy, remove row subtotals by setting showTotals to "columns" and showGrandTotals to "rows". This will completely remove any totals of measures that are shown below the "Product" column.

The following option configuration should be present in the report:

options: {
grid: {
    showGrandTotals: "rows",
    showTotals: "columns",
  type: "classic"

Check out this example where two measures are added as rows to mimic the Correct.png layout: https://jsfiddle.net/flexmonster/uxbcfrdt/ 

It is worth mentioning that Flexmonster changes the layout from classic to compact when hierarchies occupy the majority of the grid. This behavior is very common while working with JSFiddle due to limited result container size. In such case, you will see the warning with the following text:
"Too many columns for classic form. The layout was switched to compact form."
If you see this warning while opening our example, please widen the result container and reload the page to see the proper layout.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

Eduardo Cruz April 15, 2024

Hi Maksym,


We have the totals in the highlighted are on the attachment snip1.png but we need the totals to be on the same rows as their hierarchy not under. For example Humanitarian  wp vendas u and  Humanitarian  wp vendas  v needs to be on the same row as Humanitarian. We tried with show grandtotalsposition but not worked.


Best Regards,



Solomiia Andrusiv Solomiia Andrusiv Flexmonster April 16, 2024

Hello, Eduardo!

Thank you for getting back to us.

Kindly note that the grand totals are designed to be shown separately from subtotals in Flexmonster, and for classic and compact layouts, they are always located in the last column and row.

For the case where there is only one unique member in rows, and the subtotals and grand totals are the same, we suggest considering hiding subtotals or grand totals. You could try switching on different combinations of grand totals and subtotals shown using the Options Toolbar tab.

Hope it helps.

Kind regards,

Thiago Santos May 22, 2024

Hi Solomiia,

We want the rows to have the same behavior as the columns. To be more clear we did an image on photoshop where the first is with the current behavior and the second if with the behavior we expect.


Thank you,


Solomiia Andrusiv Solomiia Andrusiv Flexmonster May 27, 2024

Hello, Thiago!

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Kindly note that Flexmonster has two layouts: classic and compact. In compact, all the row members are located in one column, as shown in your first screenshot. With a classic layout, each field in rows would have its separate columns to display, as in the following example: https://www.flexmonster.com/demos/js/classic-view/.

You are welcome to choose the most suitable of the provided layouts for your use case. To switch between layouts, click the "Options" Toolbar tab or change them programmatically:

report: {
//other report properties
options: {
grid: {
type: "classic", //or type: "compact",

Hope you will find our answer helpful.

Kind regards,

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