Do webdatarocks supports muliple pivot report and chart on dashboard.
I need to load a list of reports,
on first row - report 1 with pivot table and chart and on row two - report 2 with different data as its chart values and so on.
is it possible to achieve this.
I'm trying this , for me its loading the first chart values or the last one.
on loop every its has the chart container as id
or using,
@ViewChild("#somehtmlref") child: WebDataRocksPivot; on TS
<wbr-pivot #somehtmlref [toolbar]="true" [report]="pivotReport" [width]="'100%'" [height]="400" [customizeCell]="onCustomizeCell" (ready)="onPivotReady(report.reportConfig)"
(reportcomplete)="onReportComplete($event)" (reportchange)="onReportChange($event)">
WebDataRocks will appear here
are those causing the issues.
i know I'm not asking in webdatarocks forums, it will big help to clarify if possible.
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