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Flexmonster Highchart Connector throws undefined error in angular

Shahul Hameed asked on December 6, 2021

Hi Team,
this.pivot.flexmonster.highcharts.getData() => this line throws undefined error. i.e. highcharts is undefined in flexmonster in angular 11 application

I have included flexmonster highchart connector in script section of angular.json file. "node_modules/flexmonster/lib/flexmonster.highcharts.js". 

I am getting data in Flexmonster grid, but pivot.flexmonster.highcharts throws error "Cannot read properties of undefined getData()". Let me know, how to go ahead.

9 answers

Mykhailo Halaida Mykhailo Halaida Flexmonster December 6, 2021

Thank you for raising your support ticket.
Seems like the Connector for Highcharts might not be properly included in your project. Please check out the sample Angular integration project, which, among other examples, includes a sample with Highcharts – you can use it as a reference for your own project structure.
If this does not help, feel free to send us your project (or a similar one where this issue is reproducible) so that we can take a closer look and provide you with a solution.
Please let us know if this helps.
Best regards,

Shahul Hameed December 7, 2021

Thanks for the response. Instead of importing in Script section of angular.json, if we import at top of component, issue get resolved.

But we face few problems in integration as such pivot.flexmonster.highcharts.getData() function don't emit rawData. It emits data (1 x-axis) data from flexmonster grid(pivot), eventhough, we have grouped/multiple rows definitions in flexmonster grid. We expect rawData (which will have data and meta according to flexmonster highchart connector documentation). But we get below response data object. Please refer attached image.


Vera Didenko Vera Didenko Flexmonster December 8, 2021

Hello, Shahul,
Thank you for your reply.
We are happy to hear that it worked to import the Highcharts connector library.
There are two ways how you can get the raw data:

  1. Add a parameter to get the raw data in the create and update chart handlers

    The Highcharts connector returns two objects in the create chart and update chart callbacks: chartConfig and rawData. Therefore, you could access the raw data in the following way:





    (chartConfig: Flexmonster.GetDataValueObject, rawData: Flexmonster.GetDataValueObject) => {

    // You can use rawData here

    Highcharts.chart('highcharts-container', <Highcharts.Options>chartConfig);


    (chartConfig: Flexmonster.GetDataValueObject, rawData: Flexmonster.GetDataValueObject) => {

    // You can use rawData here

    Highcharts.chart('highcharts-container', <Highcharts.Options>chartConfig);

  2. The rawData object is also available in the connector's prepareDataFunction property

    Also, you can get the raw data and customize the way the connector prepares the data through the prepareDataFunction property. With this approach, you could provide your own data processing logic and compose a custom chart configuration object:




    prepareDataFunction: function(rawData, options) {

    // Here you can process the rawData object and provide your own chart configuration output

    var output = {...}

    // Once ready, return the result:

    return output;



    (chartConfig: Flexmonster.GetDataValueObject, rawData: Flexmonster.GetDataValueObject) => {

    // chartConfig will contain your customized output returned in prepareDataFunction

    // You can use rawData here as well

    Highcharts.chart('highcharts-container', <Highcharts.Options>chartConfig);


    (chartConfig: Flexmonster.GetDataValueObject, rawData: Flexmonster.GetDataValueObject) => {

    // chartConfig will contain your customized output returned in prepareDataFunction

    // You can use rawData here as well

    Highcharts.chart('highcharts-container', <Highcharts.Options>chartConfig);


    Here is an example where the chart configuration is customized through the prepareDataFunction property: https://jsfiddle.net/flexmonster/x0cqafqh/.

Please let us know if this works. Looking forward to your response.
Kind regards,

Shahul Hameed December 8, 2021

Thanks Vira Didenko.

I got rawData yesterday from this method (callback handler)

(chartConfig, rawData)=>{
        Highcharts.chart('highcharts-container', <Highcharts.Options>chartConfig);
I need to reconstruct multiple x-axis from rawData.

I am getting the below error, when i use prepareDataFunction.

The expected type comes from property 'prepareDataFunction' which is declared here on type '{ type?: string; slice?: Slice; xAxisType?: string; valuesOnly?: boolean; withDrilldown?: boolean; prepareDataFunction?: (rawData: any) => any; }'

Aparna December 9, 2021

Hi FM Team , 
We are  licensed users and we need some quick help here to meet our deliverable Timelines.
Expecting a  quick response . Thanks much  for the support so far 
Aparna Jagjit 

Vera Didenko Vera Didenko Flexmonster December 9, 2021

Thank you for your reply.
We found that the options parameter is missing in the prepareDataFunction type definitions. 
Our team will provide an update for the type definitions in the upcoming minor release with the ETA 14th of December.
Meanwhile, a possible solution is to add a question mark to the options parameter, for example:


prepareDataFunction: function(rawData, options?: any) {
// Here you can process the rawData object and provide your own chart configuration output
var output = {...}
// Once ready, return the result:
return output;
(chartConfig: Flexmonster.GetDataValueObject, rawData: Flexmonster.GetDataValueObject) => {...},
(chartConfig: Flexmonster.GetDataValueObject, rawData: Flexmonster.GetDataValueObject) => {...}

This should compile successfully.
Please let us know if this works.
Kind regards,

Vera Didenko Vera Didenko Flexmonster December 13, 2021

We are happy to inform you that the options parameter was added to the prepareDataFunction property definition for Highcharts.
This is available in the 2.9.14 (latest) minor release version of Flexmonster.
You are welcome to update the component. Here is our updating to the latest version guide for reference.
Please let us know if the update works fine for you.
Looking forward to your reply.
Kind regards,

Shahul Hameed December 14, 2021

Thanks Vera.
options? solved the problem of prepareDataFunction. Will reply after updating to latest release.

Not able to call any custom function which defined outside of prepareDataFunction.
Required to create a custom function which dynamically creates multilevel categories  for grouping xAxis. That function is not accessible from prepareDataFunction. Is there any fix available for this?

Example :

createXAxisCategory(xAxisGrpName:string):any {  
    let category = new Object();
    category["categories"] = [];
    let titleObj = new Object();
    titleObj["text"] = xAxisGrpName;
    category["title"] = titleObj;
    category["name"] = xAxisGrpName;
   return category;


 prepareDataFunction: function (data: any, options?: any) {

 for(var indx=0; indx < CustomerName.length; indx++)
              // let category = new Object();
              // category["categories"] = [];
              // let titleObj = new Object();
              // titleObj["text"] = CustomerName[indx];
              // category["title"] = titleObj;
              // category["name"] = CustomerName[indx];
              // xAxisArray[0].categories.push(category);



createXAxisCategory or this.createXAxisCategory is not accessible (undefined)

Vera Didenko Vera Didenko Flexmonster December 14, 2021

Hello, Shahul,
Thank you for the update. We are happy to hear that adding the question mark to the options parameter works for you.
Regarding calling an outside helper function inside prepareDataFunction:
You can fix this issue by saving a reference to the class context before this.pivot.flexmonster.highcharts?.getData is called. For example:

drawChart() {

// Save a reference to the class context (to "this"):

const _this = this;


prepareDataFunction: function (data, options?: any) {

// Now, inside prepareDataFunction you can call other functions through the saved context reference:





(data: Flexmonster.GetDataValueObject, rawData: Flexmonster.GetDataValueObject) => {


Highcharts.chart('highcharts-container', <Highcharts.Options>data);


(data: Flexmonster.GetDataValueObject, rawData: Flexmonster.GetDataValueObject) => {


Highcharts.chart('highcharts-container', <Highcharts.Options>data);




helperFunction() {

// Helper function logic


Please consider that the context inside the prepareDataFunction function is different and, as a result, this is also different. This is the reason why your helper function is not accessible via this inside prepareDataFunction. For such cases, we suggest using the approach demonstrated above (using a saved reference). 
Please let us know if using a saved reference works.
Looking forward to your reply.
Kind regards,

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