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How to correctly change row heights

Nikita asked on December 6, 2024


I changed row heights but needed to do some manual work with dimensions. Could you advise on how would you approach the issue of custom row heights (depending on the image size in the first column row heights should be adjusted). Currently 2 major issues that I am having are highlighting is very off in the compact table format (`flex_highlight.png`) and classic table format is not working almost at all (`flex_classic.png`).

Here is some relevant code that I am using that works in compact format:

changestructuresize: function (size) {
        var me = this;
        me.currimgsize = size;
adjustPivotContainerHeight: function () {
        var me = this;
        const numofexpanded = me.expandedRowSet.size;
        const pivotContainer = document.getElementById('pivot-container');
        const sizefactor = me.imgsizedict[me.currimgsize].height;
        const heightincrease = numofexpanded * sizefactor;
        const basePivotContainerHeight = new Set(me.currdata.map(item => item["entity id"])).size * 50 + 300;
        const totHeight = basePivotContainerHeight + heightincrease;
        pivotContainer.style.height = `${totHeight}px`;

Images are shown with the help of `customizeCell` function, here is the relevant part:

        if (!(data.hierarchy && data.hierarchy.uniqueName == "structureimage") || data.measure) return;
        if (data && data.type == "header" && data.label != "") {
            let base64Img;
            const { height, width } = me.imgsizedict[me.currimgsize];
            const marginLeft = { "1x": "10px", "2x": "5px", "3x": "-10px" };
            const marginTop = { "1x": "-15px", "2x": "-20px", "3x": "-30px" };
            base64Img = `<div style="display:flex !important; justify-content:flex-start !important; align-items:center !important; padding:0px !important; margin:0px !important; font-size:12px; width:100% !important; max-width:100% !important;">
    <i class="fm-icon fm-collapsed-icon" title="Click to expand" style="flex-shrink:0 !important;"></i>
        <img src='data:image/png;base64, ${data.label}' style='margin-left: ${marginLeft[me.currimgsize]}; margin-top: ${marginTop[me.currimgsize]}; filter: brightness(0.97) !important; width:${height-10}px !important; max-width:${height}px !important; height: ${height-10}px !important; object-fit:contain !important;' />
            cell.style["max-height"] = height + "px";
            cell.style["max-width"] = width + "px";
            cell.text = base64Img;

Images tend to cut off, so I am trying to fix that here which mostly works fine. `adjustPivotContainerHeight` is needed also to prevent flexmonster table cutting off at the bottom because if just images sizes are increased scroll area height is not updated automatically.

Highlighting is controlled inside Flexmonster js using .fm-sheet-selection-canvas css class which makes it difficult to modify, not fully sure how.

5 answers

Solomiia Andrusiv Solomiia Andrusiv Flexmonster December 9, 2024

Hello, Nikita!

Thank you for reaching out to us.

We recommend increasing the default max-height for grid rows as follows:

#fm-pivot-view .fm-grid-row {
max-height: 300px;

This should improve cell selection behavior on both classic and compact views.

We have prepared a JSFiddle sample for the described use case: https://jsfiddle.net/flexmonster/jgmcerd7/. You are welcome to use it as a reference.
Should you have any further questions, please modify the described JSFiddle to make your case reproducible.

Hope you will find our answer helpful.

Kind regards,


Solomiia Andrusiv Solomiia Andrusiv Flexmonster December 19, 2024

Hello, Nikita!

Hope everything is well.

Our team is wondering if you had a chance to check out the suggested example of handling images with customizeCell function. Could you please let us know if it works well?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,


Nikita December 20, 2024

Hi Solomiia!

max-height solution worked out well for the classic view but not for compact view unfortunately. There are still issues with highlighting, aggregated data that is shown upon highlighting, although rows are correctly lined up in terms of data (UI issues when lines are absent are there still). Screenshot attached.


Nikita December 20, 2024

Another screenshot.

Solomiia Andrusiv Solomiia Andrusiv Flexmonster December 23, 2024

Hello, Nikita!

Thank you for your feedback. We are happy to hear that increasing the max-height helped in the classic view.

Kindly note that while Flexmonster offers a customization functionality, it’s primarily designed as a pivoting grid that works with text and numeric data, so adding images in the header cells may lead to some UI inconsistencies. You are welcome to use the classic layout if everything works well there.

We appreciate your understanding and are happy to help if any other questions arise.

Kind regards,


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