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Its about Too many columns for classic form, Switched layout to compact form.

Sen asked on November 1, 2024

I have created pivot table and have set options-> classic view 

when zoom/minimize the pivot table by dragging, Its giving warning message “Too many columns for classic form. Switched layout to compact form.” 

and auto change to compact form. is it possible to switch back to classic form when maximize.

1 answer

Maksym Diachenko Maksym Diachenko Flexmonster November 4, 2024

Hello, Sen!

Thank you for writing to us.

To hide this warning and prevent switching from classic to compact view, you can set the autoSwitchToCompact option as false. Using this option, you can rescale the component without worrying about the automatic layout switch. However, a side effect of this setting is that only the frozen rows area will remain visible in the grid when the view becomes too narrow.

Please let us know if our answer helped you.

Best Regards,

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