Hi Support,
I am currently facing an issue where the data from the API is successfully returned from the server to the client side. However, when loading it using Flexmonster (version 2.9.57) with the 'useStreamLoader' option, I encounter an error in the console log: 'Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON.'
I have attached the JSON data that reported the error and the object passed to the 'setReport' function. Please note that the object's 'filename' is used to call the API, which returns the data as sample_data.txt.
Thank you for reporting this issue.
We were able to reproduce this behavior while using the stream loader. Our team will investigate this issue and provide a fix in the upcoming minor release, ETA Sep 18th. We will notify you when the fix is ready.
As a workaround, we suggest temporarily disabling the stream loader.
Feel free to contact us if any other questions arise.
Best Regards,
We are pleased to inform you that the JSON parsing issue with the stream loader was fixed.
This is provided in the 2.9.60 version of Flexmonster: https://www.flexmonster.com/release-notes/version-2-9-60/
You are welcome to update the component. Here is our updating guide for assistance: https://www.flexmonster.com/doc/updating-to-the-latest-version/
Please let us know if the fix works.
Best regards,
Thank for the fix
Thank you for your feedback.
Feel free to contact us if more questions arise.
Best Regards,