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2.4 upgrade issues

Paul Schlichter asked on August 15, 2017

I have found some issues with the new 2.4 version:

  • grouping in filters does not seem to be available
  • setting column widths is functioning differently (css changes)
  • This is what I was using: fm-pivot-view .fm-grid-column { max-width: 60px;}. Can you explain to me how I would do this in 2.4
  • I have tried an alternative with setreport using javascript:
  • report["tableSizes"] = {columns:[{tuple:[],    measure:"[Measures].[leadtime]",width:60}]};
  • This does not work. Could you please show me how I should do this correctly


14 answers

Iryna Kulchytska Iryna Kulchytska Flexmonster August 17, 2017

Hi Paul,
Thank you for writing to us.

  1. Grouping in filters is available if grouping option is set to true - the same as in 2.3 version. The Add Group button appears in the filters pop-up.
  2. It seems that there is an issue with setting the default column width in 2.4 version. We will investigate it further and will provide you with the update either in 2.401 minor version (ETA - Aug 21) or in 2.402 (ETA - Aug 28).

Please let me know if this works for you.
Kind regards,

Paul Schlichter August 18, 2017

Sorry, I should have included this earlier.
I am setting the grouping in the default report as follows using php:
This is working in 2.3 but not 2.4

Iryna Kulchytska Iryna Kulchytska Flexmonster August 18, 2017

Hi Paul,
Thank you for providing us with the details.
Now grouping parameter should be inside options part of the report object to enable Add Group button. But we will add the support of grouping parameter as a root report object parameter in terms of backward compatibility. The fix will be included in 2.401 minor version (ETA - Aug 21).
Kind regards,

Iryna Kulchytska Iryna Kulchytska Flexmonster August 21, 2017

Hi Paul,

  1. Version 2.401 is released. You are welcome to download it and check if the issue with grouping is resolved.
  2. For setting column widths please try the following (please pay your attention to measure parameter below):
report[“tableSizes”] = {columns:[{tuple:[], measure:”Leadtime”, width:60}]};

Please let us know if the issues are resolved.
Kind regards,

Paul Schlichter August 21, 2017

Hi Iryna,

  1. Grouping works on fields in the row but only if it is set in the specific report js   options.grouping = true;    (not working if set in the default report   $json.=",\"grouping\":true";). However it does not work in the filter row (it did in 2.3).
  2. Column widths do not seem to work either by setting in the default report or by js.

this is the code in the report js:   
           var report = flexmonster.getReport();
            report["tableSizes"] = {columns:[{tuple:[], measure:"leadtime", width:60}]};
this is the code in the default config:
            $json.=",\"tableSizes\": {\n";
            $json.="\"columns\": [";

Dmytro Zvazhii Dmytro Zvazhii Flexmonster August 22, 2017

Hello Paul,
Thank you for the update. You can find our answers below:
1. From the version 2.4, the recommended structure of the report object is the following - http://www.flexmonster.com/api/report-object/. The issues you have described is typical when using the mix of two approaches. Please consider moving to the recommended approach, since it is well structured and as the result, such report is much easier to understand, control and extend. Speaking about the "Add group" button in the filters row, we will restore it in the nearest minor release ETA Aug28. 
2. Please check the name of the column. Seems, it should be in the upper case. Please replace "leadtime" with "Leadtime".
Please let us know if it works for you.
Best regards,

Paul Schlichter August 23, 2017

this is my config file for the report with column sizing. It still does not work. I think the leadtime should not be capitlized as you can see from the report definition below.
Not sure about the "mix of two apporaches" that you mentioned. Please let me know what changes I should be making.
"dataSource": { "dataSourceType":"ocsv","filename":"../uploads/phpexportpurchase.ocsv"}
,"slice": {
"rows": [
{"uniqueName": "supplier","sort": "asc"}
,{"uniqueName": "itemid","sort": "asc"}
,{"uniqueName": "item","sort": "asc"}
,"columns": [
,"measures": [
{"uniqueName":"[instock]","active": true, "format":"amt", "caption":"In Stock", "aggregation":"sum"}
,{"uniqueName":"[purchaseorder]","active": true, "format":"amt", "caption":"Purchase<br>Orders", "aggregation":"sum"}
,{"uniqueName":"salesorder","active": true, "format":"amt", "caption":"Sales<br>Orders", "aggregation":"sum"}
,{"uniqueName":"available","active": true, "format":"amt", "caption":"Available", "aggregation":"sum"}
,{"uniqueName":"leadtime","active": true}
,"expands": {"expandAll":true}
,"reportFilters": [
{ "uniqueName": "Common","caption":"Common"}
,{"uniqueName": "Core","caption":"Core"}
,{"uniqueName": "Current Catalogue","caption":"Cur Cat"}
,{"uniqueName": "itempropno","caption":"prop#"}
,{"uniqueName": "itemprop","caption":"prop desc"}
,"grid": {"type": "classic","fitGridlines":true,"title":"Purchase Analysis","showHeaders":false,"showTotals":false,"showGrandTotals":"on"}
,"chart": {"type":"pivot","title":"Purchase Analysis"}
,"showAggregationLabels":false,"grouping":true,"datePattern":"d-MMM-yy","showReportFiltersArea": true
,"drillThrough": true
,"tableSizes": {
"columns": [{"tuple":[],"measure":"leadtime","width":60}]}
,"formats": [
{ "name":"qty","thousandsSeparator":",","decimalSeparator":".","decimalPlaces":1,"divideByZeroValue": "0.0"}
,{"name":"amt","thousandsSeparator":",","decimalSeparator":".","decimalPlaces":0,"divideByZeroValue": "0"}
,{"name":"rate3","thousandsSeparator":",","decimalSeparator":".","decimalPlaces":3,"divideByZeroValue": "0"}
,{"name":"percent","thousandsSeparator":",","decimalSeparator":".","decimalPlaces":1,"currencySymbol":"%","currencySymbolAlign":"right","divideByZeroValue": "0"}
,{"name":"","thousandsSeparator":",","decimalSeparator":".","maxDecimalPlaces":4,"divideByZeroValue": "0.00"}

Dmytro Zvazhii Dmytro Zvazhii Flexmonster August 28, 2017

Hello Paul,
Thank you for providing us with the example. We have managed to reproduce the issue with the setting and restoring the grid's size of columns and rows from the report. The necessary fix will be added in the version 2.304 ETA Sep11.
Speaking about the report's structure, your report seems to be correct. Please confirm that the grouping feature is turned on when using such configuration.

Tanya Gryshko Tanya Gryshko Flexmonster September 15, 2017

Hello Paul,
I am glad to inform you that the minor release 2.403 is available for download now. The issue with restoring table sizes from the report was fixed.
You are welcome to update the component.

Paul Schlichter September 26, 2017

the following code set in the default config file still does not work:
”tableSizes”: {
“columns”: [{“tuple”:[],”measure”:”leadtime”,”width”:60}]}
Also this does not work in a js file :
report["tableSizes"] = {"columns":[{"tuple":[], "measure":"[Measures].[leadtime]", "width":60}]}
Thank for your help

Tanya Gryshko Tanya Gryshko Flexmonster September 27, 2017

Hello, Paul,
Thank you for informing that the issue still exists. 
However, we have not managed to reproduce it on our side. Please have a look at the following example: http://jsfiddle.net/flexmonster/pz431qp5/7/. Everything seems to be working just fine. Maybe you could modify this sample to reproduce the error?
We are waiting for your feedback.

Paul Schlichter September 28, 2017

I have discovered the table widths tuple does not work with classic type.
All works well with compact.
I tested it on fiddle. Here is the setup from fiddle:
var jsonData = [
        "supplier" : "x",
        "itemid" : 36,
        "item" : "Ontario",
        "salesorder" : 36,
        "available" : 174,
        "leadtime" : 22
        "supplier" : "y",
        "itemid" : 37,
        "item" : "Ontario",
        "salesorder" : 31,
        "available" : 193,
        "leadtime" : 36

var pivot = new Flexmonster({
    container: "pivot-container",
  componentFolder: "https://cdn.flexmonster.com/",
        toolbar: true,
        report: {
            dataSource: {
                data: jsonData
      ,"slice": {
        "rows": [
{"uniqueName": "supplier","sort": "asc"}
,{"uniqueName": "itemid","sort": "asc"}
,{"uniqueName": "item","sort": "asc"}
        "columns": [
        ,"measures": [
          {"uniqueName":"salesorder","active": true, "format":"amt", "caption":"Sales<br>Orders", "aggregation":"sum"}
,{"uniqueName":"available","active": true, "format":"amt", "caption":"Available", "aggregation":"sum"}
,{"uniqueName":"leadtime","active": true}
        ,"expands": {"expandAll":true}
,"reportFilters": [
{ "uniqueName": "Common","caption":"Common"}
,{"uniqueName": "Core","caption":"Core"}
,{"uniqueName": "Current Catalogue","caption":"Cur Cat"}
,{"uniqueName": "itempropno","caption":"prop#"}
,{"uniqueName": "itemprop","caption":"prop desc"}

"viewType":"grid","grid": {"type": "classic","fitGridlines":true,"title":"Purchase Analysis","showHeaders":false,"showTotals":false,"showGrandTotals":"on"}
,"chart": {"type":"pivot","title":"Purchase Analysis"}
,"showAggregationLabels":false,"grouping":true,"datePattern":"d-MMM-yy","showReportFiltersArea": true
,"drillThrough": true
      ,"tableSizes": {
"columns": [{"tuple":[],"measure":"leadtime","width":600}]}
,"formats": [
{ "name":"qty","thousandsSeparator":",","decimalSeparator":".","decimalPlaces":1,"divideByZeroValue": "0.0"}
,{"name":"amt","thousandsSeparator":",","decimalSeparator":".","decimalPlaces":0,"divideByZeroValue": "0"}
,{"name":"rate3","thousandsSeparator":",","decimalSeparator":".","decimalPlaces":3,"divideByZeroValue": "0"}
,{"name":"percent","thousandsSeparator":",","decimalSeparator":".","decimalPlaces":1,"currencySymbol":"%","currencySymbolAlign":"right","divideByZeroValue": "0"}
,{"name":"","thousandsSeparator":",","decimalSeparator":".","maxDecimalPlaces":4,"divideByZeroValue": "0.00"}

Tanya Gryshko Tanya Gryshko Flexmonster September 29, 2017

Hello, Paul,
Thank you for sharing your findings with us. Now we can see that table width does not work with classic type. This issue will be fixed within minor release 2.406, ETA Oct 23.
In the meantime, you can use the compact view.
Please let me know in case of other questions.

Dmytro Zvazhii Dmytro Zvazhii Flexmonster October 24, 2017

Hello Paul,
We are glad to inform you that the minor release 2.406 is available for download now. The issue with restoring columns and rows sizes in classic view was fixed.
You are welcome to update the component.
Kind regards,

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