I have been trying to set the localization file using the fm-global property of the fm-pivot angular 1.x directive. I have tried specifying the value as a reference to a scope variable that specifies an Object with just the "localization" property (see code sample below). I have also tried defining the value as inline JSON with just the messages that I want to override, but I cannot get Flexmonster to pick-up my settings. It keeps using the default English messages. Can someone provide an example of how to set the global object using the fm-global property. I looked through all the existing examples on GitHub, but none you this property
$scope.global = {
localization: localization/en.json
<div fm-pivot fm-width="100%" fm-height="100%" fm-license-key"{{licenseKey}}" fm-global="global">
Hello, Dennis,
Thank you for providing such a detailed description. fm-global
directive does not work right now. It will be fixed within minor release 2.405, ETA Oct 9. Does it work for you?
Unfortunately, I am not ready/able to upgrade to 2.4 at this time and would need a fix on 2.3. Is there another way to set the global object when using the fm-pivot directive as the means to create the flexmonster component?
Hello, Dennis,
The fix for version 2.3 will be available on October 9th as well. Up until then please use fm-report
Let me know if you have questions.