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Observe Your Business Goals With Flexmonster KPIs

One of the most important tools that analytical experts use for analyzing data is key performance indicators (KPIs). Flexmonster constantly monitors the latest trends and couldn’t help adding this feature to the Component. Usually a company needs to observe conditions of sales, profits, expenses, sold units etc. For such analysis they need KPIs - measurable or comparable metrics that are used to define and grade performance of a given measure. Indicators are determined based on company goals. It gives organizations the opportunity to assess their state and helps in forming development strategies, allows to control a business activity in real time.

In Analysis Services, a KPI is a collection of calculations, which are associated with a measure group in a cube, that are used to evaluate business success. Finally, with this 2.2 Release the Component can automatically distinguish and display all KPIs if OLAP cube contains this information.

Below you can find the main definitions for common KPI terms in Analysis Services that can be easily performed by our Component:

Goal: The target value of the KPI.

Value: The actual value of the KPI.

Status: Represents the state of the KPI at a specified point in time.

Trend: The value of the KPI over time. The trend can be any time-based criterion that is useful in a specific business context.


And from now on your end users can freely observe and demonstrate the key business objectives for reaching targets and evaluation of success.

Please find the example:

New KPIs feature is allowed in new 2.2 Release!

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