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On Clicking the Toolbar menu[ Options ] the screen flickers before displaying the new modal pop-up[ Layout Options ]

Kumar asked on October 18, 2019

Hi Team,
My requirement was to add some custom styles to the flexmonster Toolbar menus. I have got my stylesheet file to override the default styles provided by flexmosnter for the toolbar menu items.  This, I am able to achieve and the new styles are also properly added to the toolbar menu items.
Now the issue is, on clicking the toolbar menu( for example- I click 'Options'); the window flickers before displaying the new pop-up for 'Layout Options'.
Earlier when I did not have my customs styles file, this flickering of the screen -before loading the new pop-up window was not observed.
Could you please help me fix this... I have to have this for a Demo:) .
Also please let me know if you want anything from my end, to get better clarity on the problem statement.
Many Thanks,

2 answers

Vera Didenko Vera Didenko Flexmonster October 18, 2019

Hello, Kishlay,
Thank you for writing to us.
We kindly suggest applying your custom theme for the Toolbar using the approach described in our guide (please see the "Adding a custom theme" section): https://www.flexmonster.com/doc/customizing-appearance/

In case more detailed recommendations are needed, could you please provide us with a sample with your custom CSS where the issue is reproducible?
This will greatly help to make progress in solving the problem.
We are looking forward to your reply.
Best Regards,

Kumar November 16, 2019

Hi Team,
Thanks for writing back. With the approach suggested in "Adding a custom theme" I need to manually add a new folder under 'node_modules/flexmonster/themes'. For me, in the build server, I don't have access to the node_modules folder and so I cant manually add up the new folder under flexmonster/themes.
Please help me with the below approach:
I have the 'flexmonster-toolbar-menus.css' file to override the classes in flexmonster-min.css. I have attached the same for your reference. I see the flickering under the below scenarios:
1->when we click the Options menu in the toolbar and the pop-up displays... The flickering is observed.
2->When data is being loaded and we have a pop-up with a progress status to indicate loading data during this time the screen flickers.
Maybe I need to override the pop-up dimensions and this is to do with improper pop-up dimensions as the flickering is observed only under these scenarios when we have a pop-up (just a wild thought).

Many thanks!!

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