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apply saved layout to new data with same columns

Jhonatan asked on December 17, 2019

I would like to know if there is any way after saving a report with some specific filters and formatting, searching for new data with the same columns and applying the JSON filters and formatting from the previous saved report.

Basically it would be in that order:

1 - Load FlexMonster with data from the period 01/10 to 05/10;

2 - Applies filters and formatting;

3 - Save this report (json);

4 - Load the FlexMonster with new data from the period 06/10 to 10/10;

5 - Opens the report saved in step 3 to apply ONLY the same filters and formatting;

What I described above is possible?

2 answers

Illia Yatsyshyn Illia Yatsyshyn Flexmonster December 18, 2019

Hello, Jhonatan,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
The desired functionality can be implemented using the updateData API call that updates data for the report without cleaning the report itself, including formatting, filters, etc.
Please check out an example we have prepared for you.
We hope it works for you.
Please let us know in case additional questions arise.

Jhonatan December 18, 2019

Illia, thank you very much.
I managed to solve, thanks for your attention, helped a lot.

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