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Handling missing license key in flexmonster

amir asked on June 17, 2021

I have flexmonster license keys for different domains. Now if I have any domain that i doont have flexmonster license it is using some default license key (developer license) and returning following error 
Your trial period has expired.
To continue the evaluation of our component please contact our sales team for trial extension.
You are trying to use the following key: **** *** ***
The key mentioned here is not my developer key but it is taking this from the flexmonster library file. 
Now the expected behavior is if i don't have license key for any domain I should be able to show some custom message like "licanse key not available" in flexmonster and prevent using default developer key for the same

1 answer

Tanya Gryshko Tanya Gryshko Flexmonster June 17, 2021

Hello, Amir,

Thank you for writing to us.

You are correct, this default trial key is added by Flexmonster library. The simplest way to remove this key would be to specify the following line in your code:

delete window["flexmonsterpivottablekey"];

After this, the component will show the message saying "License key not found".

Finally, if it is required to show a custom message, it can also be achieved with a bit more coding.

Please let us know if the abovementioned approach works for your case.

Kind regards,

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