Is there a way to call FlexmonsterAccelerator APIs to retrieve the data from the data source without loading it into the Pivot Table component?
We are looking to retrieve singular measures and populate filter options in our dropdown components without the overhead of adding multiple Pivot Tables.
Example: Through FlexmonsterAccelerator, retrieve all months that have data from AAS. Populate a dropdown component with those months returned
Hello, Franklin,
Thank you for raising this ticket.
Please note that Flexmonster Accelerator only accepts requests signed by Flexmonster. Therefore, it is not possible to communicate directly with the Accelerator without the Flexmonster instance serving as a middle layer.
As a workaround, we suggest either accessing your SSAS instance directly via XMLA protocol/other solutions or creating a Flexmonster instance and utilizing dedicated API calls (for example, getMembersAsync to receive all the month).
We hope it helps.
Kind regards,