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Cells with empty string is like (black) even configured to replace

Guilherme Abreu asked on July 12, 2023

Dear, I made a configuration to remove the (blank) from null empty cells as open ticks other users, still the value that comes as "" (empty string) it is replaced by (black) and not as "" as done in settings.

  grid: {
    total: 'Total',
    totals: 'Totais',
    grandTotal: 'Total geral',
    blankMember: '',
    dateInvalidCaption: '',
    reportInformation: 'Informações do relatório'

"name": "",
"thousandsSeparator": ".",
"decimalSeparator": ",",
"maxDecimalPlaces": 2,
"maxSymbols": 20,
"currencySymbol": "",
"currencySymbolAlign": "left",
"nullValue": " ",
"infinityValue": "Infinity",
"divideByZeroValue": "Infinity"


      "Telefone cliente": {
          "tipo": "string"

Data ex:

      "Data de cadastro": "2023/05/16",
      "Número contrato": null,
      "Data vigencia do contrato": null,
      "Gerente": null,
      "Risco": "Baixo",
      "Limite credito": "100000000.00",
      "CPF / CNPJ do cliente": "111.111.111-11",
      "Tipo de pessoa": "Pessoa Física",
      "Nome do cliente": "Guilherme Abreu",
      "Nome fantasia": null,
      "Data de abertura": null,
      "Data de nascimento": "2023/01/06",
      "Inscrição municipal": null,
      "Inscrição estadual": null,
      "Estado civil": "Solteiro (a)",
      "Identidade": "",
      "Orgão expedidor": "",
      "Nacionalidade": "",
      "Naturalidade": "",
      "Simples nacional": "Não",
      "Telefone cliente": "",
      "Operação": 1,
      "Tipo Operação": "Desconto",
      "Data operação": "2023/05/17",
      "Data pagamento da operação": "2023/05/17",
      "Quantidade títulos": 2,
      "Valor face": "10000900.00",
      "Risco operação": "Baixo",
      "Prazo médio": "0.00",
      "Taxa efetiva": "0.000000",
      "IOF mensal": "0.00",
      "IOF mensal a recolher": "0.00",
      "Percentual IOF mensal": "0.008200",
      "IOF adicional": "0.00",
      "IOF adicional a recolher": "0.00",
      "Percentual IOF adicional": "0.380000",
      "IOF total": "0.00",
      "IOF total a recolher": "0.00",
      "PIS": "0.00",
      "Percentual PIS": "0.650000",
      "COFINS": "0.00",
      "Percentual COFINS": "3.000000",
      "IRPJ": 0,
      "CSLL": 0,
      "Liquido operação": "10000900.00",
      "Liquido pagar": "10000900.00",
      "IRRF": "0.00",
      "Taxa juros remuneratórios ajustada": "0.000000",
      "Formula calculo prazo do título": "Data de vencimento útil - data de operação + float útil",
      "Tipo prazo IOF": "Real",
      "Situação da operação": "Paga",
      "Gerente da operação": null,
      "Juros remuneratórios": 0,
      "Valor renegociado": 0,
      "Valor regresso": 0,
      "Taxa período": 0,
      "Percentual Receita": 0,
      "Taxa de juros remuneratórios": "0.000000",
      "Carência": "0 parcelas",
      "Tipo de intervalo": "Mensal",
      "Prazo de intervalo": 1,
      "Valor do lucro líquido": "0.00",
      "Código IF B3": null,
      "Prazo total operação": "0  dias",
      "Resultado líquido": 0,
      "Fator período": "0.000000"

3 answers

Nadia Khodakivska Nadia Khodakivska Flexmonster July 14, 2023


Thank you for contacting us.

We suggest using one of the following approaches to remove the (blank) label:
1. You can override "blankMember" of localization in the report:

global: {
    localization: "loc/pt.json"
report: {
    localization: {
      "grid": {
        "blankMember": " ",

You are welcome to check the following JSFiddle for reference: https://jsfiddle.net/flexmonster/edghr49b/ 
2. You can download the localization, edit the necessary fields, and set the new localization to Flexmonster.

Please let us know if it works for you. Looking forward to your response.

Kind regards,

Nadia Khodakivska Nadia Khodakivska Flexmonster July 25, 2023

Hello Guilherme,

Hope you're doing well. 

We were wondering if you had the chance to try the suggested approach. Can you please let us know if it works for you?

Looking forward to hearing your feedback.

Kind regards,

Nadia Khodakivska Nadia Khodakivska Flexmonster August 1, 2023

Hello Guilherme,

Hope you're doing great. 

Just checking in to ask if you had had the opportunity to test the recommended approach. Please let us know if it works.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

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