Flexmonster Pivot Table & Charts offers many methods to adjust the component to your project. Access these methods using a reference to the Flexmonster instance:
const pivot = new Flexmonster({ // Your configuration }); pivot.getCell(1,1);
Read more about how to use methods.
API call | Description |
addCalculatedMeasure | Adds calculated measure. |
addCondition | Adds a conditional formatting rule. |
alert | Shows an alert pop-up window with a custom message. |
clear | Clears the component’s data and view. |
clearFilter | Clears the filter applied previously to the specified hierarchy. |
clearXMLACache | Requests Microsoft Analysis Services to clear the cache. |
closeFieldsList | Closes the Field List. |
collapseAllData | Collapses all nodes and drills up all levels of all hierarchies. |
collapseCell | Collapses a specific node on the grid and charts. |
collapseData | Collapses all nodes of the specified hierarchy. |
connectTo | Connects to the data source and clears the current report. |
customizeAPIRequest | Allows customizing the request before it is sent to a server. |
customizeCell | Allows customizing of separate cells. |
customizeChartElement | Allows customizing separate chart elements in Flexmonster Charts. |
customizeContextMenu | Allows customizing context menu. |
dispose | Prepares the pivot table instance to be deleted with the browser’s garbage collection. |
drillDownCell | Drills down a specific hierarchy level on the grid and charts. |
drillUpCell | Drills up a specific hierarchy level on the grid and charts. |
expandAllData | Expands all nodes and drills down all levels of all hierarchies. |
expandCell | Expands a specific node on the grid and charts. |
expandData | Expands all nodes of the specified hierarchy. |
exportTo | Exports the current view to Excel, PDF, CSV, HTML, or image format. |
getAllConditions | Returns a list of conditional formatting rules of the report. |
getAllHierarchies | Returns a list of all available hierarchies. |
getAllHierarchiesAsync | The async equivalent of getAllHierarchies . |
getAllMeasures | Returns a list of all available measures. |
getAllMeasuresAsync | The async equivalent of getAllMeasures . |
getCell | Returns information about cell by row and column indexes. |
getColumns | Returns a list of hierarchies selected in the report slice for columns. |
getColumnsAsync | The async equivalent of getColumns . |
getCondition | Returns a conditional formatting rule by id. |
getFilter | Returns the filtered members for the specified hierarchy. |
getFlatSort | Returns an array of objects defining the sorting on the flat grid. |
getFormat | Returns the FormatObject of a default number format or the number format for the specified measure. |
getMeasures | Returns a list of the selected measures in the report. |
getMeasuresAsync | The async equivalent of getMeasures . |
getMembers | Returns a list of members for the specified hierarchy. |
getMembersAsync | The async equivalent of getMembers . |
getOptions | Returns the OptionsObject with component’s options. |
getReportFilters | Returns a list of hierarchies selected in the report slice for Report Filters. |
getReportFiltersAsync | The async equivalent of getReportFilters . |
getReport | Returns the ReportObject which describes the current report. |
getRows | Returns a list of hierarchies selected in the report slice for rows. |
getRowsAsync | The async equivalent of getRows . |
getSelectedCell | Returns information about selected cell. |
getSort | Returns the sort type which is applied to the hierarchy. |
getTableSizes | Returns table sizes that are set for the component. |
getXMLACatalogs | Obtains a list of all available catalogs on a given data source. |
getXMLACatalogsAsync | The async equivalent of getXMLACatalogs . |
getXMLACubes | Obtains a list of all available cubes on a given data source. |
getXMLACubesAsync | The async equivalent of getXMLACubes . |
getXMLADataSources | Obtains a list of all data sources by given URL for XMLA connect. |
getXMLADataSourcesAsync | The async equivalent of getXMLADataSources . |
getXMLAProviderName | Returns dataSourceType for given proxyUrl. |
getXMLAProviderNameAsync | The async equivalent of getXMLAProviderName . |
load | Loads report JSON file from the specified URL. |
off | Removes JS handlers for specified event. |
on | Sets a JS function for the specified event. |
open | Opens local report file. |
openCalculatedValueEditor | Opens the calculated value pop-up window editor. |
openFieldsList | Opens the Field List. |
openFilter | Opens the filter pop-up window for the specified hierarchy. |
Prints the current view via the OS print manager. | |
refresh | Redraws the component. |
removeAllCalculatedMeasures | Removes all calculated measures. |
removeAllConditions | Removes all conditional formatting rules. |
removeCalculatedMeasure | Removes the calculated measure by measure unique name. |
removeCondition | Removes the conditional formatting rule by id. |
removeSelection | Removes a selection from cells on the grid. |
runQuery | Runs a query with specified rows, columns, measures and report filters from the SliceObject and displays the result data. |
save | Saves your current report to a specified location. |
scrollToColumn | Scrolls the grid to the specified column. |
scrollToRow | Scrolls the grid to the specified row. |
setFilter | Sets the filter for the specified hierarchy. |
setFlatSort | Sets the flat table multi-column sorting. |
setFormat | Sets a default number format or the number format for the specified measure. |
setOptions | Sets the component’s options. |
setReport | Sets a report to be displayed in the component. |
setSort | Sets the sort type to the specified hierarchy. |
setTableSizes | Sets table sizes for the component. |
shareReport | Saves the current report to Flexmonster Data Server and provides a link to the saved report. |
showCharts | Switches to the charts view and shows the chart of the specified type. |
showGrid | Switches to the grid view. |
showGridAndCharts | Switches to the grid and charts view and shows the chart of the specified type. |
sortFieldsList | Sets custom sorting for Field List items. |
sortingMethod | Sets custom sorting for hierarchy members. |
sortValues | Sorts a specific row or column in the compact form, the classic form, and the chart view. |
updateData | Updates data for the report without cleaning the report. |