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Issues with Expand Columns or Rows or All and with Collapse Columns or Rows

sedApta asked on May 8, 2024

Hello all,

I have come in need to configure a pivot grid able to expand/collapse only rows or columns or all together, and I have found quite some issues.
As long as I have to only expand (wathever it might be from only rows, columns or all), I can use your expandAllData function, which works almost for every test case. And here comes my first issue:

If I have configured a pivot grid with a hierarchy field (which contains at least two levels of hierarchy) and a second node field following the hierarchy one, once I click the expand all button, which fires your
expandAllData function, the pivot drills down all the hierarchies but does not open the last node field. This happens the same even trying to call expandAllData(true, "columns"), for reference.
This behaviour is the same both for api and json datasource type.

My second issue is the following one, which happens only for the api datasource type grid:
I have configured a pivot grid, with the same configuration as above. If I manually open the hierarchy levels in the columns and afterward proceed to close them,
wether by the collapse all button (which fires your collapseAllData function) wether it is manually, the grid seems to remember the last hierarchy level manually opened and when I try to open again the hierarchy levels right
from the start the grid opens all of them hierarchies until the last one opened by me.
This behaviour is kind of misleading to me. I expect that if I drill up all the levels, when I try to open them again I have to go through every level all over from the start.
As said, this happens only for the api datasource type, for the json datasource type it works fine.

As per my third issue:
I have configured a pivot grid, with the same configuration as above. If I click on the expand columns button, which for reference fires your expandAllData(true, "columns") function, the grid acts in a strange way..
meaning that it does open all the levels in the columns (except for the first issue related nodes) and at the same time it tries to open some rows levels too, apparently in a complete random way.
This behaviour happens clearly in the json type datasource. As per the api type datasource, it tries to open the row levels too and you can see that as some icons go from closed to opened position.
Note that this does not happen if you exchange the columns data to the rows and viceversa, this only happens with the configuration provided, so hierarchy levels in columns and nodes in rows.

And for my fourth and last issue:
I had to implement my own solution for collapse rows/columns, ever since there is not an opposite function to expandAllData which can close only rows or only columns. I could not even use runQuery or refresh,
since they do not update the expands and drills object contained in the slice.

I will provide an example where you can see my workaround, which just manipulate these objects in the slice and then proceed to
reassign the report itself, which I don't like to be honest.

Is there a possibility for you to implement somenthing as collapseAllData(withChildren?: boolean, axis: string)? I know your collapseAllData function exists but it does not help me in this case.

I will attach a solution where you can reproduce these issues, with both api and json datasource type.

I hope everything is clear and readable.
Thank you and hoping to hear from you soon.




12 answers

Solomiia Andrusiv Solomiia Andrusiv Flexmonster May 9, 2024

Hello, Edinson!

Thank you for contacting us and providing a project with reproducible issues.

We have reproduced all the described expanding and collapsing behavior on our side. Our Dev team will look closely at the provided cases and get back to you with two fixes:

  • The behavior of the expandAllData(true, "columns") with multilevel hierarchies in columns described in issues 1 and 3 will be fixed with the ETA May 27th.
  • The fix for the issue 2 with collapseAllData() API call, where more fields are expanded after the collapse in custom data source API, would be fixed with an ETA June 10th. After the fix, the behavior of expands in the custom data source API would match the one in the JSON data source.

Regarding your request to collapse all columns and all rows separately in collapseAllData(), we need to discuss the matter with our Development team. We'll get back to you with the updates on this question in a few days.

Hope you will find our answer helpful.

Kind regards,

sedApta May 10, 2024

Hello Solomiia,

Thank you for your quick answer!

I will forward your answer to my dev team in order to adapt our timeline within your indications.

Hoping you guys a good day!

Best regards,


Solomiia Andrusiv Solomiia Andrusiv Flexmonster May 10, 2024

Hello, Edinson!

Thank you for your swift response.

Regarding your request for collapseAllData() for columns and rows separately, we have added this feature to our Customers' Wishlist. Our team will notify you about any updates on the matter.

We also wanted to explain in more detail the behavior of Flexmonster expands from your issue 2. Please note that when expanding and collapsing nodes manually, Flexmonster does remember all the expand actions made. In this case, Flexmonster won't collapse child nodes if you collapse the parent node manually.
However, when using collapseAllData(), it is expected that all child nodes will collapse. In this case, on the next expand action only the selected node will expand.
Our fix will cover the case with collapseAllData() unexpected behavior in the custom data source API, but the manual expanding functionality will remain.

Hope it helps.

Our team will notify you as soon as the fixes we discussed are ready.

Kind regards,

sedApta May 13, 2024

Hello Solomiia!

Thank you for clarifying the manually collapsing expected behavior, just letting you know we totally agree with it.

Thank you again for the support and looking forward to hearing from you, keep up the good job!

Best regards,


Solomiia Andrusiv Solomiia Andrusiv Flexmonster May 13, 2024

Hello, Edinson!

Thank you for your feedback.

We will notify you as soon as the fix is ready.

Feel free to reach out to us if any other questions arise.

Kind regards,

Solomiia Andrusiv Solomiia Andrusiv Flexmonster May 28, 2024

Hello, Edinson!

Hope you are doing well.

Our team is happy to inform you that the issue with expands when multilevel hierarchies are present in columns and expandAllData is called for columns with the withAllChildren parameter set to true was fixed.

The fix is included in the 2.9.78 version of Flexmonster: https://www.flexmonster.com/release-notes/version-2-9-78/. You are welcome to update the component.

Please let us know if the fix works well for you.

The fix for the issue 2 with collapseAllData() API call in the custom data source API will be released as agreed, with an ETA June 10th. We will notify you about the updates.

Kind regards,

Solomiia Andrusiv Solomiia Andrusiv Flexmonster June 4, 2024

Hello, Edinson!

Hope you are having a great week.

Just checking in to ask if you had some time to test the fix with expandAllData(true, "column"). Could you please let us know expands work well now?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

sedApta June 4, 2024

Hello, Solomiia!

Thank you for your actions on this matter!

I checked your fix and I can confirm it is working fine just as expected.

We are looking forward to the ETA June 10th fix in order to integrate both fixes together with our systems

Best regards,


Solomiia Andrusiv Solomiia Andrusiv Flexmonster June 4, 2024

Hello, Edinson!

Thank you for the confirmation.

Our team is glad to hear the first fix works well.

We will notify you about the next update.

Kind regards,

Solomiia Andrusiv Solomiia Andrusiv Flexmonster June 10, 2024

Hello, Edinson!

Hope everything is well.

We are glad to announce that the issue with collapseAllData() not drilling up all hierarchy levels when using the "api" data source type was fixed. As we have mentioned earlier in this thread, the behavior of manual expanding and collapsing remains the same.

The fix is available in the 2.9.79 version of Flexmonster: https://www.flexmonster.com/release-notes/version-2-9-79/.

You are welcome to update the component: https://www.flexmonster.com/doc/updating-to-the-latest-version/.

Please let us know if everything works well after the update.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

sedApta June 11, 2024

Hi, Solomiia

Thank you for the work done!

I am glad to let you know that everything works well as expected. We will now proceed to integrate your fixes to our systems.

As per my request regarding the collapseAllData() for columns and rows separately, will we get any updates about the matter in the near future?

Thank you again for everything!

Best regards,


Solomiia Andrusiv Solomiia Andrusiv Flexmonster June 11, 2024

Hello, Edinson!

Thank you for your feedback.

We are delighted to hear both fixes work as expected.
Regarding the feature with the collapseAllData() for columns and rows separately, currently, we cannot provide you with an exact ETA. Our team will notify you about any updates on this feature.

Feel free to reach out to us in case of any other questions.

Kind regards,

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