How do I make the component rerun the query in my database?
I'm creating the component this way:
var pivot = $("#pivotContainer-@idCube").flexmonster({
componentFolder: "/Content/js/flexmonster/",
global: {
localization: "loc/pr.json"
toolbar: true,
beforetoolbarcreated: customizeToolbar,
licenseKey: "@ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["flexMonsterKey"]"
var cubeOptions.dataSource = {
dataSourceType: "ocsv",
/* URL to the Data Compressor .NET */
filename: "localhost:1234/api/Cube/GetCube?cubeId=1"
Once created, I want to have the option to run the query again on my webApi and return the data again.
Hello Cleyton,
Thank you for your question. If you need to update the data after the component is created you can use our updateData() API call - http://www.flexmonster.com/api/updatedata/. Here is the jsFiddle example for you - http://jsfiddle.net/flexmonster/xf5rn80j/.
Please let us know if it works for you.
Best regards,
Hello Dmytro,
Tank you for you help!
I tried to update as follows:
dataSourceType: 'ocsv',
filename: 'http://myapi.net/getCube'});
But data refresh not execute;
Hello Cleyton,
Thank you for your quick reply. Could please check what your request http://myapi.net/getCube returns? Can the component load the data from this request during the initialization process? Also, please check if there are any stack trace errors in the console window(ctrl+shift+i).
Best regards,