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  • API Reference for older versions
  • All methods

    Flexmonster Pivot Table & Charts offers many methods to adjust the component to your project. Access these methods using a reference to the Flexmonster instance:

    const pivot = new Flexmonster({
      // Your configuration

    Read more about how to use methods.

    List of API calls:

    API callDescription
    addCalculatedMeasureAdds calculated measure.
    addConditionAdds a conditional formatting rule.
    alertShows an alert pop-up window with a custom message.
    clearClears the component’s data and view.
    clearFilterClears the filter applied previously to the specified hierarchy.
    clearXMLACacheRequests Microsoft Analysis Services to clear the cache.
    closeFieldsListCloses the Field List.
    collapseAllDataCollapses all nodes and drills up all levels of all hierarchies.
    collapseCellCollapses a specific node on the grid and charts.
    collapseDataCollapses all nodes of the specified hierarchy.
    connectToConnects to the data source and clears the current report.
    customizeAPIRequestAllows customizing the request before it is sent to a server.
    customizeCellAllows customizing of separate cells.
    customizeChartElementAllows customizing separate chart elements in Flexmonster Charts.
    customizeContextMenuAllows customizing context menu.
    disposePrepares the pivot table instance to be deleted with the browser’s garbage collection.
    drillDownCellDrills down a specific hierarchy level on the grid and charts.
    drillUpCellDrills up a specific hierarchy level on the grid and charts.
    expandAllDataExpands all nodes and drills down all levels of all hierarchies.
    expandCellExpands a specific node on the grid and charts.
    expandDataExpands all nodes of the specified hierarchy.
    exportToExports the current view to Excel, PDF, CSV, HTML, or image format.
    getAllConditionsReturns a list of conditional formatting rules of the report.
    getAllHierarchiesReturns a list of all available hierarchies.
    getAllHierarchiesAsyncThe async equivalent of getAllHierarchies.
    getAllMeasuresReturns a list of all available measures.
    getAllMeasuresAsyncThe async equivalent of getAllMeasures.
    getCellReturns information about cell by row and column indexes.
    getColumnsReturns a list of hierarchies selected in the report slice for columns.
    getColumnsAsyncThe async equivalent of getColumns.
    getConditionReturns a conditional formatting rule by id.
    getFilterReturns the filtered members for the specified hierarchy.
    getFlatSortReturns an array of objects defining the sorting on the flat grid.
    getFormatReturns the FormatObject of a default number format or the number format for the specified measure.
    getMeasuresReturns a list of the selected measures in the report.
    getMeasuresAsyncThe async equivalent of getMeasures.
    getMembersReturns a list of members for the specified hierarchy.
    getMembersAsyncThe async equivalent of getMembers.
    getOptionsReturns the OptionsObject with component’s options.
    getReportReturns the ReportObject which describes the current report.
    getReportFiltersReturns a list of hierarchies selected in the report slice for Report Filters.
    getReportFiltersAsyncThe async equivalent of getReportFilters.
    getRowsReturns a list of hierarchies selected in the report slice for rows.
    getRowsAsyncThe async equivalent of getRows.
    getSelectedCellReturns information about selected cell.
    getSortReturns the sort type which is applied to the hierarchy.
    getTableSizesReturns table sizes that are set for the component.
    getXMLACatalogsObtains a list of all available catalogs on a given data source.
    getXMLACatalogsAsyncThe async equivalent of getXMLACatalogs.
    getXMLACubesObtains a list of all available cubes on a given data source.
    getXMLACubesAsyncThe async equivalent of getXMLACubes.
    getXMLADataSourcesObtains a list of all data sources by given URL for XMLA connect.
    getXMLADataSourcesAsyncThe async equivalent of getXMLADataSources.
    getXMLAProviderNameReturns dataSourceType for given proxyUrl.
    getXMLAProviderNameAsyncThe async equivalent of getXMLAProviderName.
    loadLoads report JSON file from the specified URL.
    offRemoves JS handlers for specified event.
    onSets a JS function for the specified event.
    openOpens local report file.
    openCalculatedValueEditorOpens the calculated value pop-up window editor.
    openFieldsListOpens the Field List.
    openFilterOpens the filter pop-up window for the specified hierarchy.
    printPrints the current view via the OS print manager.
    refreshRedraws the component.
    removeAllCalculatedMeasuresRemoves all calculated measures.
    removeAllConditionsRemoves all conditional formatting rules.
    removeCalculatedMeasureRemoves the calculated measure by measure unique name.
    removeConditionRemoves the conditional formatting rule by id.
    removeSelectionRemoves a selection from cells on the grid.
    runQueryRuns a query with specified rows, columns, measures and report filters from the SliceObject and displays the result data.
    saveSaves your current report to a specified location.
    scrollToColumnScrolls the grid to the specified column.
    scrollToRowScrolls the grid to the specified row.
    setFilterSets the filter for the specified hierarchy.
    setFlatSortSets the flat table multi-column sorting.
    setFormatSets a default number format or the number format for the specified measure.
    setOptionsSets the component’s options.
    setReportSets a report to be displayed in the component.
    setSortSets the sort type to the specified hierarchy.
    setTableSizesSets table sizes for the component.
    shareReportSaves the current report to Flexmonster Data Server and provides a link to the saved report.
    showChartsSwitches to the charts view and shows the chart of the specified type.
    showGridSwitches to the grid view.
    showGridAndChartsSwitches to the grid and charts view and shows the chart of the specified type.
    sortFieldsListSets custom sorting for Field List items.
    sortingMethodSets custom sorting for hierarchy members.
    sortValuesSorts a specific row or column in the compact form, the classic form, and the chart view.
    updateDataUpdates data for the report without cleaning the report.