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How to create an Interactive Map Dashboard with Flexmonster and amCharts: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Raw data can often feel like a maze—difficult to navigate and even harder to analyze to get useful information. That's where interactive dashboard come in. They turn all that complicated data into simple visuals that are easy to look at and explore, making it much quicker to notice some trends and patterns.

In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through creating an interactive map dashboard using Flexmonster Pivot Table and amCharts

A Guide to Using Grand Totals and Subtotals in Flexmonster Pivot Table

Our Tech team is always looking for ways to help you get the most out of our pivot table. If you found our previous article on managing date types useful, you'll want to keep reading. 

Today, we're focusing on two key features that make analyzing your data easier—grand totals and subtotals.

Mastering Filtering in Flexmonster Pivot

Flexmonster's Pivot Table is designed to empower users to analyze vast datasets with ease. One key feature is its robust filtering functionality. By understanding its configurations, you can ensure your reports focus on the most relevant information.

Let's embark on a data exploration journey using everyone's favorite fictional creatures – Pokemon!

How to Manage Date Types in Flexmonster: Video Guide

We continue to share tips from our Tech team, and in this article, we will discuss more about managing data types in your reports. Dates are essential to any dataset. How you manage, and present date information can significantly impact the insights you derive and prevent mistakes and misunderstandings in data analysis. 

Top Tips from Tech team: 5 videos to watch about Flexmonster

Our Tech team continues to share valuable tips on how to get our component to full power and uses all means for that. On our YouTube channel, we have a separate Tips&Tricks playlist.

These videos are designed to provide practical insights and advanced techniques that empower you with the knowledge to tackle complex data challenges and make informed decisions easily.

Here is the list of ✨ 5 main videos from the Tips & Tricks series✨ we think every Flexmonster user should know about!

Custom chart color pallets in Flexmonster

Our tech team is dedicated to providing you with practical tips to make your experience Flexmonster Pivot Table more efficient. If you enjoyed our previous article on creating a custom theme for your report you’re in for a treat. Today, we’ll take customization a step further by demonstrating how to change chart colors directly from the user interface (UI) and apply those changes to all chart types.

Boost Your Flexmonster Experience with UpdateData API Call

There are tons of features you can combine in Flexmonster to reach the pivot table functionality you need. On our YouTube channel, we have started a series of videos called “Tips & Tricks” where we share different interesting approaches to maximize your Flexmonster experience.

The last video, Live data refresh/update hack, explains the details of updateData() API call usage. In this blog post, we will delve into the topic and see how it works from the inside.

Pivot Table for Vue 3 applications

For the last few years, Vue.js has notably risen in popularity among modern JavaScript frameworks. Thousands of developers prefer to use Vue in their projects, choosing the best features of React and Angular that are combined in this web development tool. Inspired by the success of the framework, in October 2020, creators released Vue 3, which has opened up new possibilities for building complex data-driven applications.

If you're looking for a powerful solution to boost your Pivot Table for Vue 3 applications, Flexmonster provides an excellent integration module tailored to meet your needs.

Grid customization and styling beyond CSS

The look and feel of the component can be fully customized by means of CSS. It refers to colors, borders, buttons, pop-ups, and grid cells. But there are cases when just CSS is not enough for pivot table report. For example, when you want to represent the numbers in cells by pictograms showing how ‘good’ or ‘bad’ these numbers are.