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  • Flexmonster Admin Panel guide

    Flexmonster Admin Panel is a cross-platform desktop application that provides a graphical user interface for Flexmonster Data Server used as a Windows/Unix service. With the Admin Panel, you can conveniently manage indexes, security, and other configs.

    In this guide, you can find a description of the Admin Panel's functionality.


    Flexmonster Admin Panel contains several tabs:

    • Indexes — manage indexes for your data.
    • Settings — edit the Data Server's configs: port, HTTPS, and others. 
    • Security — configure users for basic authorization.
    • Monitoring — monitor memory usage and active connections to the Data Server.
    • Diagnostics — see the Data Server's logs. 
    • Help — check out useful information about the Admin Panel and the Data Server.

    All configurations set in the Admin Panel are stored in the flexmonster-data-server/flexmonster-config.json file.

    Note If you have been using the Data Server as a service prior to version 2.9.58, another possible location of the flexmonster-config.json is the following folder:

    • On Windows – C:/ProgramData/FlexmonsterDataServer/.
    • On macOS and Ubuntu/Linux – ~/.local/share/FlexmonsterDataServer/ (will resolve to /home/[current_user]/.local/share/FlexmonsterDataServer/).

    For information on running, stopping, and restarting the Data Server, see Running the Data Server.


    The Indexes tab allows managing indexes. You can:

    • Add indexes
    • Edit and delete them
    • Reload indexes
    • Disable them

    Add indexes

    To create a new index, click Add New Index:

    Each index has the following configurations:

    • Name. This field defines the index name. It will be used to configure the connection on the client side.
    • Type. This dropdown menu contains possible data source types: JSON, CSV, or Database.
    • Database type. The database name: MySql, MariaDB, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, or Oracle.
      Only for the Database data source type.
    • Path to file. In this field, specify the path to the file with your data. You can click the folder icon to choose the needed file using Explorer. Only for JSON and CSV data source types.
    • Connection string. Specify the connection string to your database here. Click Test to check whether the provided connection string is correct.
      Note that there are specifics of setting passwords with special characters in the connection string. The Data Server parses such passwords correctly unless the password contains ; or ". These symbols are treated as delimiters, so if your password contains them, enclose it in single quotes (e.g., Pwd='123;"45').
      Only for the Database data source type.
    • Query. Specify an SQL query to define the subset of data that the Data Server should fetch.
      Only for the Database data source type.
    • Delimiter. Specify the field delimiter if anything other than , separates СSV fields.
      Only for the CSV data source type.
    • Decimal separator. It defines the specific character used to separate decimal parts of numbers. For example, if commas separate decimal parts of numbers (e.g., 3,14), set the decimal separator to ,. Only for the CSV data source type. Default value: ..
    • Thousands separator. Defines the specific character used to separate groups of digits in numbers. For example, if periods separate groups of digits in numbers (e.g., 1.000 for one thousand), set the thousands separator to .. Only for the CSV data source type. Default value: ,.
    • Refresh time. Defines how often the Data Server reloads the data for the index. The refresh time is specified in minutes and is measured from the moment the Data Server starts up.
      By default, the refresh time is 0, which means the Data Server will not reload the data.

    When the index configuration is complete, click Create to add the index to your index pool.

    Edit or delete indexes

    To edit an index, click the index name or Details:

    You can make changes to everything except the data source type.

    Click Save to apply the changes.

    To delete the index, click Delete Index. Before deleting, you will be prompted to confirm the action.


    If the data source type is JSON or CSV, the Mapping configuration becomes available. It allows choosing data types for fields in your dataset.

    By default, the Mapping is disabled and all field types are autodetected. If you need to set data types for some fields manually, enable the Mapping and choose the needed type from the dropdown menu: Number, String, or Date. For example:

    Mapping configuration

    If you disable the Mapping, your adjustments will be deleted and autodetected data types will be used.

    To apply the Mapping, click Save.

    Reload indexes

    The Data Server reloads data in indexes based on the Refresh time configuration. However, you can refresh an index manually by clicking Reload:

    This action will update the data in the index.

    Note The Data Server doesn't reload disabled indexes. 

    Disable indexes

    Each index can be disabled. The Data Server does not preload disabled indexes, and you cannot use them in the component.

    To disable an index, click Disable:

    Check Status to make sure the index is disabled. 

    To enable the index, click Enable.


    The Settings tab

    This tab contains the Data Server's configs. They are visually divided into the following parts:

    • General
    • Data storage
    • Database query
    • Https
    • Security
    • Report sharing
    • Import configs


    This block contains general Data Server configurations:

    • Port. The Data Server's port number. By default, it is 9500.
    • Minimum log level. Defines a minimum log level for the Data Server: INFO, WARN, ERROR, or FATAL. Setting a minimum log level to WARN or a higher level can improve the Data Server’s performance. Learn more about these log levels in the Microsoft documentation.
      This configuration will not affect info-level logs that appear when the Data Server is started, or the data is reloaded.
      Default value: INFO.

    Data storage

    This block allows configuring options for data storage. It contains the following configuration:

    • Retry attempts. If some of the indexes are unavailable during the restart, the Data Server will try loading them later. The Retry attempts setting specifies how many attempts to load indexes the Data Server should make. Max value: 30. Default value: 3.
    • Cache size limit. The maximum number of cached server responses for every index. When set to 0, the Data Server does not cache the responses. Default value: 100.
    • Keep data on refresh. When enabled, the Data Server keeps a copy of index data while the index is being refreshed. As a result, the index is available to Flexmonster Pivot even during index reload. Note that this feature requires more RAM.
      As soon as the index is refreshed, the Data Server deletes its copy.
      If Keep data on refresh is disabled, the index will be unavailable while refreshing.
      Default state: enabled.

    Database query

    This block allows configuring options for database queries. It contains the following configurations:

    • Command timeout. Enables the Command time limit setting. If the Command timeout is disabled, the Data Server will use the timeout value from the SQL driver. Only for the Database data source type. Default state: disabled.
    • Command time limit. Defines the wait time before canceling the attempt to execute the Query and generating an error. The wait time is set in seconds. When set to 0, the wait time is unlimited. Only for the Database data source type. Default value: 150.


    This block allows configuring the HTTPS protocol. It contains the following configurations:

    • HTTPS. A toggle switch to enable or disable the HTTPS protocol.
    • Certificate type. Allows choosing an SSL/TLS certificate type:
      • PFX Certificate. Added by specifying the Path to PFX certificate and the Certificate password.
      • PEM Certificate. Added by specifying the Path to PEM certificate and the Path to certificate key.
      • Subject-Store. Added by specifying the Subject name and Store.
      This configuration is available only when HTTPS is enabled.
    • Path to PFX certificate. Specifies a path to the .pfx certificate. Click the folder icon to choose the certificate using a file manager.
      This configuration is available only when the Certificate type is PFX Certificate.
    • Certificate password. A password needed to access the .pfx certificate. If the certificate does not require a password, skip this configuration.
      This configuration is available only when the Certificate type is PFX Certificate.
    • Path to PEM certificate. Specifies a path to the .pem certificate. Click the folder icon to choose the certificate using a file manager.
      This configuration is available only when the Certificate type is PEM Certificate.
    • Path to certificate key. Specifies a path to a .pem file that contains the private key for the certificate. Click the folder icon to choose the private key using a file manager.
      This configuration is available only when the Certificate type is PEM Certificate.
    • Subject name. The certificate subject name.
      This configuration is available only when the Certificate type is Subject-Store.
    • Store. The store from which the certificate is loaded.
      This configuration is available only when the Certificate type is Subject-Store.
    • Location. The location of the store from which to load the certificate. It can be either Current User or Local Machine. Default value: Current User.
      This configuration is available only when the Certificate type is Subject-Store.
    • Allow invalid. Indicates whether to allow using invalid certificates (e.g., self-signed certificates). Default value: Block.
      This configuration is available only when the Certificate type is Subject-Store.
    • Protocols. Establishes the HTTP protocols enabled on a connection endpoint or for the server. It can be one of the following values: HTTP1, HTTP2, and HTTP1 and HTTP2. Default value: HTTP1 and HTTP2.
      This configuration is available only when HTTPS is enabled.


    This block allows configuring the data access security. It contains the following configurations:

    • Basic auth. A toggle switch to enable or disable basic authorization. To manage users for basic authorization, go to the Security tab.
      Learn more about built-in basic authorization in the Security and authorization guide.
    • Allow origin. An input field to configure CORS (i.e., specify origins that can send requests to the Data Server).
      If basic authorization is enabled, define specific origins in Allow origin. To specify several origins, separate them with a comma.

    Report sharing

    This block allows configuring the report-sharing functionality. It contains the following configurations:

    • Endpoint. Indicates whether the endpoint to share reports is enabled in the Data Server. Default value: disabled.
    • Custom path to folder. This configuration is available only when the endpoint is enabled. Defines the folder to which the Data Server saves reports. By default, reports are saved to the following locations:
      • On Windows - C:/ProgramData/FlexmonsterDataServer/reports/.
      • On macOS and Ubuntu/Linux - ~/.local/share/FlexmonsterDataServer/reports/ (will resolve to  /home/[current_user]/.local/share/FlexmonsterDataServer/reports/).
    • Report expiration time. Defines how long the saved reports are stored. The time is set in minutes. Default value: 0 (reports are stored permanently).
      This configuration is available only when the endpoint is enabled.
    • Max folder size. The maximum memory size available for report saving (in MB). Default value: 0 (unlimited).
      This configuration is available only when the endpoint is enabled.
    • Auto delete. Should be used with the Max folder size configuration. Defines whether to delete older reports when the folder is full. If enabled, older reports will be deleted automatically until there is enough memory for a new report. Default value: disabled (older reports are not deleted).
      This configuration is available only when the endpoint is enabled.

    Import configs

    Besides setting the mentioned configurations, you can import the existing flexmonster-config.json file: just specify the path to flexmonster-config.json in the Import configuration file section and click Apply:


    In the Security tab, you can manage users for basic authorization:

    • Add users
    • Edit and delete users

    Add users

    To create a new user, click Add New User:

    Define a username and password, then select Create to add the user.

    Note Once a user is created, you cannot change the username.

    Edit or delete users

    To edit a user, click the username or the right arrow icon:

    You can edit everything except the username.

    To apply the new changes, click Edit.

    To delete the user, click Delete User. Before deleting, you will be prompted to confirm the action.


    Monitoring tab in the Admin Panel

    The Monitoring tab contains information about used memory and active connections.


    Diagnostics tab in the Admin Panel

    The Diagnostics tab displays the most recent Data Server logs. Click Open Logs Folder to see all the logs.

    To update the log list, click Refresh Logs.


    Help tab in the Admin Panel

    The Help tab contains useful information about the Admin Panel and the Data Server:

    • A user interface overview.
    • Links to troubleshooting and other related documentation.
    • Admin Panel and Data Server versions.

    Running the Data Server

    Start the Data Server

    The Admin Panel's lower-left corner contains the following controls:

    • Start Server - click to start the Data Server. This button appears when the Data Server is stopped.
    • Stop Server - click to stop the Data Server. This button appears when the Data Server is running.
    • Restart Server - click to restart the Data Server.

    What’s next?

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