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  • Configure a report in Blazor

    A report can be set using an inline object or a URL to JSON.

    This guide explains how to configure a report for Flexmonster in Blazor using an inline object. Configuring a report this way in a Blazor project differs from configuring a report in a JavaScript project because of the C# usage.

    To configure a report using a URL to JSON, refer to this section: Define a report for Flexmonster.

    Learn more about available report configurations.


    • A Blazor application with Flexmonster embedded into it.
      If Flexmonster is not yet embedded, see Integration with Blazor.

    How to configure a report

    To configure a report for Flexmonster using an inline object, do the following:

    Step 1. In the @code block, declare a Report object (e.g., report):

    @code {
      Report report;

    Step 2. Define the OnInitialized() method to create and configure the Report object when the component is initialized:

    @code {
      Report report;
      protected override void OnInitialized()
      {  }

    Step 3.  Create and configure the Report object (e.g., report). See an example with the configured DataSource property:

    @code {
    Report report;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
    report = new Report()
    DataSource = new DataSource()
    Type = "json",
    Filename = "https://cdn.flexmonster.com/data/retail-data.json"

    Notice that each object should be created with the constructor. In addition, property names in Blazor are pascal-cased (i.e., DataSource instead of dataSource) to conform to C# code conventions.

    To configure other properties, see the fully configured report example, or check out our Blazor wrapper's source code.

    Step 4. Pass the configured report to the FlexmonsterComponent using the Report parameter:



    See an example of the fully configured Report object in Blazor:

    Example of a Report object
    Report report = new Report()
    DataSource = new DataSource()
    Type = "json",
    Filename = "https://cdn.flexmonster.com/data/data.json",
    Mapping = new Dictionary<string, Mapping>
    { "Category", new Mapping() { Hierarchy = "Item" } },
    { "Color", new Mapping() { Hierarchy = "Item", Parent = "Category" } },
    { "Size", new Mapping() { Hierarchy = "Item", Parent = "Color" } }
    Slice = new Slice()
    Rows = new SliceHierarchy[]
    new SliceHierarchy()
    UniqueName = "Item",
    Sort = "asc"
    Columns = new SliceHierarchy[]
    new SliceHierarchy
    UniqueName = "Country",
    Filter = new Filter
    Members = new string[]
    "country.[united kingdom]"
    Sort = "asc"
    new SliceHierarchy
    UniqueName = "Business Type",
    Sort = "asc"
    new SliceHierarchy
    UniqueName = "[Measures]",
    Measures = new SliceMeasure[]
    new SliceMeasure
    UniqueName = "Price",
    Aggregation = "sum",
    Active = true,
    Format = "currency"
    Sorting = new SortingObject
    Row = new SortingHierarchyObject
    Type = "desc",
    Tuple = new string[] { "item.[cars].[red]" },
    Measure = new Measure
    UniqueName = "Price",
    Aggregation = "sum"
    Expands = new ExpandObject
    ExpandAll = false,
    Columns = new HierarchyObjectInSlice[]
    new HierarchyObjectInSlice
    Tuple = new string[] { "country.[australia]" }
    Drills = new DrillObject
    DrillAll = false,
    Rows = new HierarchyObjectInSlice[]
    new HierarchyObjectInSlice
    Tuple = new string[] { "item.[accessories]" }
    new HierarchyObjectInSlice
    Tuple = new string[] { "item.[cars]" }
    Options = new Options
    ViewType = "grid",
    Grid = new GridOptions
    Type = "compact",
    Title = "",
    ShowFilter = true,
    ShowHeaders = true,
    ShowTotals = "on",
    ShowGrandTotals = "on",
    GrandTotalsPosition = "top",
    ShowHierarchies = true,
    ShowHierarchyCaptions = true,
    DrillThroughMaxRows = 1000,
    ShowReportFiltersArea = true,
    Dragging = true,
    ShowAutoCalculationBar = true
    Chart = new ChartOptions
    Type = "column",
    Title = "",
    ShowFilter = true,
    MultipleMeasures = false,
    OneLevel = false,
    AutoRange = false,
    ReversedAxes = false,
    ShowLegend = true,
    ShowLegendButton = false,
    ShowDataLabels = false,
    ShowAllLabels = false,
    ShowMeasures = true,
    ShowOneMeasureSelection = true,
    ShowWarning = true,
    ActiveMeasure = new MeasureObject()
    Filter = new FilterOptions
    WeekOffset = 1,
    DateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy",
    LiveSearch = true
    ConfiguratorActive = false,
    ConfiguratorButton = true,
    ShowAggregations = true,
    ShowCalculatedValuesButton = true,
    Grouping = false,
    Editing = false,
    DrillThrough = true,
    ShowDrillThroughConfigurator = true,
    Sorting = "on",
    DefaultDateType = "date",
    StrictDataTypes = false,
    DatePattern = "dd/MM/yyyy",
    DateTimePattern = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss",
    SaveAllFormats = false,
    ShowDefaultSlice = true,
    UseOlapFormatting = false,
    ShowMemberProperties = false,
    ShowEmptyData = true,
    DefaultHierarchySortName = "asc",
    ShowOutdatedDataAlert = false,
    ShowAggregationLabels = true,
    ShowAllFieldsDrillThrough = false,
    LiveFiltering = false,
    ShowFieldListSearch = false,
    ValidateFormulas = true,
    CaseSensitiveMembers = false,
    SimplifyFieldListFolders = false,
    ValidateReportFiles = true,
    AllowBrowsersCache = false,
    ShowEmptyValues = false,
    DistinguishNullUndefinedEmpty = false,
    UseCaptionsInCalculatedValueEditor = false,
    ReadOnly = false
    Conditions = new ConditionalFormat[]
    new ConditionalFormat
    Formula = "#value < 20000",
    Measure = "Price",
    Aggregation = "sum",
    Format = new Style
    BackgroundColor = "#F44336",
    Color = "#FFFFFF",
    FontFamily = "Arial",
    FontSize = "12px"
    Formats = new Format[]
    new Format
    Name = "-currency",
    CurrencySymbol = "$"
    TableSizes = new TableSizes
    Columns = new ColumnSize[]
    new ColumnSize
    Tuple = new string[] { "country.[australia]", "business type.[warehouse]" },
    Measure = new MeasureObject
    UniqueName = "Price",
    Aggregation = "sum"
    Width = 121
    Localization = "https://cdn.flexmonster.com/loc/es.json",
    Version = "2.9.71",
    CreationDate = "2024-02-22T11:54:40.925Z"

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