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cellclick event lost after setReport and cell navigation not correct

francesco asked on October 30, 2019

i bought the component and in order to hide some columns on my pivot with tableSizes width setting, i call a setReport to set to width=0 columns to hide them (as read on your forum).
So i have two problems:
1: after setReport, in the first aftergriddraw event, cellclick event doesn't works; (screenshot 1)
2: after columns hiding, navigation take places through hidden cells; (screenshot 2)
What to do, to solve this? What kind of information you need?
Thank you

3 answers

Ian Sadovy Ian Sadovy Flexmonster October 30, 2019

Hello Francesco,
Thank you for the questions.
Please find our comments below.

  1. We recommend using the reportcomplete event to handle actions after the setReport()
    The aftergriddraw event may not work for your case because the grid can be rendered a few times to adjust the layout.
  2. Please note that the case with zero tableSizes is very specific, and can be used only as a workaround. Could you please explain more what you are trying to achieve by hiding some columns? 


francesco October 30, 2019

Hi Ian,
Thank you for the answer. I'll try to be more specific:
1 this is what i do:

  • pivot.updateData({data: newData});
  • setReport with new tableSizes;

When the pivot is rendered, cellclick event seems detached.. doesn't works. I've tried to attach event again on reportcomplete, but still doesn't works..
2 As you can see in screenshot 3, i need to hide two of three measures (they are measures in columns), just for total and last two categories.


Illia Yatsyshyn Illia Yatsyshyn Flexmonster October 31, 2019

Hello, Francesco,
Thank you for providing more details.

  1. We have tried to reproduce the bug connected with detaching of the cellclick event but the issue you have described didn't appear. We prepared an example which you can find by following the link: https://jsfiddle.net/3dhxa12g/3/. It's a simulation of actions you have described. Clicking on the `Update` button entails the execution of the updateData method. After that, a setReport method performs automatically. As you’ll see, the cellclick event will be working correctly after these steps.

    Could you please confirm if this example solves your issue? If not, please modify the JSFiddle so that the issue is reproducible.

  2. Speaking of cell navigation behavior, for now, it is done through all cells, even the hidden ones. As a workaround, we suggest navigating with a mouse pointer.

Also, could you please let us know whether your company is an existing customer of Flexmonster? If yes, our team kindly asks you to provide information about your company. We need this information for our records.

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