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date type column shifts date to previous date

Nikhil Bhadake asked on May 2, 2018

I am trying to display three columns in pivot flat view viz. Date_Complete (type: 'date string'), Date (type: 'date') and Value (type: 'number').
Date_Complete column display date as present in data source however Date column date is shifted to previous date.
I need to display both types of date in pivot.
I have gone though questions in forum and it seems to be a time zone issue. However as per my understanding till now, timezone is applicable for column with type 'date string' and not for type 'date'.
Please let me know if any resolution is available for this issue.

1 answer

Tanya Gryshko Tanya Gryshko Flexmonster May 2, 2018

Hello, Nikhil,
Thank you for writing to us.
Please have a look at this article in our docs: https://www.flexmonster.com/doc/date-and-time-formatting/#!managing-timezones. It suggests two solutions: using date patterns and using Compressor configurations. We think the second option would be convenient for your case.
Please share your feedback with us.

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