I would like to show drillThrough context menu and double click functionality for specific cells.
I've seen there are drillThrough options to activate / deactivate drillThrough but it's for all cells.
If I deactivate this option, How can I add standard drillThough for specific cells ?
Is it possible to dissociate standard drillHrough and the double click event ?
Hello, Julien,
Thank you for writing to us.
You are right, currently, drill through context menu and double click functionality are either activated or deactivated for all cells at once.
If you disable the drill through feature, you can still add some functionality on celldoubleclick
event. The standard drill through pop-up won't be shown. However, the handler for celldoubleclick
event will get the information which cell was double-clicked. With this information, you can create your custom pop-up for specific cells. Check how to use celldoubleclick event.
Please share your feedback.