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How to get only dirty rows from the report ?

Ganesh Modak asked on May 2, 2018

Hi Team,
In an editable flex pivot, how can I get only the modified (dirty) rows ? Is there any API method for this ?
I want to avoid iterating over entire report to find out the modified rows.
Functionality we want to implement is saving the modified rows to the server.

18 answers

Tanya Gryshko Tanya Gryshko Flexmonster May 2, 2018

Hello, Ganesh,
Thank you for writing to us.
Please have a look at the docs for datachanged event, which is triggered after the user edits data.
Does it help in your case?

Ganesh Modak May 7, 2018

Thanks for the doc, editing is working as mentioned, but I want only some of the columns to be editable (now all columns are editable).
Also I want to get all the modified rows in one go (in an array or something), now it notifies about changes in a single row at a time.

Dmytro Zvazhii Dmytro Zvazhii Flexmonster May 7, 2018

Hello Ganesh,
Thank you for your feedback.
For now, the component does not allow enabling the editing only for some columns. If the feature is enabled it is applied to all columns. Could you please specify how critical this feature is for you?
Speaking about getting modified rows, our developers see the following solution. We can add the ondrillthroughclose event which is triggered when the drill through window is closed. In such case, you will need to accumulate changed rows into some property using datachanged event and then you can send that property to the server after the ondrillthroughclose event is triggered.
Please let us know if the suggested approach works for you.

Ganesh Modak May 8, 2018

Hi Dmytro,
Enabling editing only for some columns is quite critical for us because we need to port an existing table to flexmonster
where there are some columns which should not be editable.
We need this feature only for flat table since we are using only this option.

Tanya Gryshko Tanya Gryshko Flexmonster May 9, 2018

Hello, Ganesh,
Thank you for your feedback!
The feature of enabling editing only for some columns can be implemented as a customization project. Our Client Service Manager will contact you via email with more details.

Ganesh Modak May 18, 2018

 Hi Team,
In datachanged() event, I need to retrieve also the old value.
Is it possible to do this ?

Tanya Gryshko Tanya Gryshko Flexmonster May 18, 2018

Hello, Ganesh,
Thanks for your reply.
Currently, you can retrieve only the new value in the datachanged event.
We can add the ability to retrieve the old value in the minor release 2.5.4 (ETA Jun 4).
Does it work for you?

Ganesh Modak May 22, 2018

Hi Tanya,
Thanks for the reply. Can we try to get it earlier ?  because we have our release
planned in the next month and getting the said functionality earlier will help us a lot.

Dmytro Zvazhii Dmytro Zvazhii Flexmonster May 22, 2018

Hello Ganesh,
Thank you for your feedback. We will try prioritizing your request and send you a fresh build as soon as it is ready.
Best regards,

Ganesh Modak May 23, 2018

Hi Dmytro,
Thanks a lot !

Dmytro Zvazhii Dmytro Zvazhii Flexmonster May 23, 2018

Hi Ganesh!
Please download the requested update from here:
Let us know if everything works fine for you.

Ganesh Modak May 24, 2018

Hi Team,
It works !, thank you

Ganesh Modak August 30, 2019

Hi Team,
Earlier when this question was asked, the component did not allow enabling the editing only for some columns. If the feature was enabled it was applied to all columns.
Is this feature implemented now?

Mykhailo Halaida Mykhailo Halaida Flexmonster September 2, 2019

Hi Ganesh,

Thank you for your question.

Please check out our answer we've sent you via email.

Best regards,

Leonel Braginski November 3, 2020

Hi, i´m needing the feature of edit only some columns on a grid. Is that available yet?.
If it is not, how can I get the value of a string from an input that is customized on a cell?

Milena Pechura Milena Pechura Flexmonster November 5, 2020

Hi, Leonel,
Thank you for your questions.
We would like to kindly inform you that currently, editing only specific columns is not supported.
Please let us know how critical this feature is for you.
Regarding your second question:
Our team suggests to have a look at the datachanged event, which is triggered after the user edits data. It allows getting the row number (or ID column), the unique name of the hierarchy, new value, and the old value of a cell.
Please let us know if it helps.
Do not hesitate to contact us in case further assistance is needed.
Kind regards,

Leonel Braginski November 5, 2020

Hi, Actually I did resolve that problem by enabling the editing option when the user clicks any cell in the column it has to be editable and updating all the table again after the datachanged event is triggered. It will be very easier and comfortable if you could make only specific columns editable for the user.
Thank you for answering me.

Milena Pechura Milena Pechura Flexmonster November 9, 2020

Hello, Leonel,
We are glad to hear that the issue is resolved.
We would like to inform you that the task dedicated to editing specific columns has been added to our backlog.
Our team will let you know in case there are any updates on this.
Feel free to reach out in case any other questions arise.
Best regards,

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