<FlexmonsterReact.Pivot id="pivot-container" ref ="pivot" toolbar = "true"
beforetoolbarcreated = {this.customizeToolbar}
reportcomplete = {this.setWidth}
I am trying to set the width of column to specific value but it goes to many loops
setWidth = ()=>{
console.log("changing with ");
var report = window.flexmonster.getReport();
report["tableSizes"] = {"columns":[{"idx":0,"width":80},{"idx":1,"width":100}]};
is there other way to do so ?
i tried
flexmonster.on('reportcomplete', function () {
alert('Report completed!'); setwidth // this causes infinte loop too
Is there any other event i can use to set width of column?
window.flexmonster.tableSizes({"columns":[{"idx":0,"width":80},{"idx":1,"width":100}]}); we dont have something like this right ?
Hello Sabby,
Thank you for writing. Please try adding window.flexmonster.off("reportcomplete");
after window.flexmonster.setReport(report);
. off() API call removes JS handlers for the specified event so there will be no infinite loop. Let me know if it helps.
thanks it works perfectly now. thank you