Good Morning.
You have (or know) some method to save the state of the pivot without storing the data in the json file. I just want to store and recover the filters, formats and conditions (without data).
Hello Jose,
Thank you for your question. If you do not need to save the raw data to the report JSON file, we recommend using the remote data file as a data source. It can be set using the filename property. Here is the example - Also, you can use getReport()
API call. It will return the object with all the necessary fields. You can store only some of them, depending on your needs. Please find more information in our documentation - .
Let us know if everything works fine for you.
How can I getReport to indicate that I do NOT include the dataSource object?
Hello Jose,
Please have a look at the following example - It shows how to indicate the dataSource
Let us know if it solves the case.
Good afternoon.
I would like to have two possibilities of pivot storage. One, the one that you currently have that saves a photograph of the current status of the pivot (GetRetport) and another, more important for me, that save only the composition, that is, all the parameters except the dataSource (without any type of data). The idea is that the user can mount a composition of filters, conditional formats, etc. and can retrieve it at any time with the data that would be on screen (I understand that the fields are the same, only the data vary).
How could I perform this second pivot save mode?
Hi Jose!
If you want to save only part of the report you can use getReport() API call. You can easily remove all unnecessary parts of the report object using JavaScript.
Does it help?
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