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Release notes

September 2021 (v. 2.9.7)

FIX The issue with exporting data with / symbols to Excel was fixed.

FIX The performance of drill-down operation was improved.

FIX The issue with the filtering of the second level of hierarchy in the context menu was fixed.

FIX flexmonster.d.ts The type definition for customizeAPIRequest() was added to the property types.

August 2021 (v. 2.9.6)

NEW New methods expandCell, collapseCell, drillDownCell, drillUpCell were added to the Flexmonster API.

NEW TypeScript type definitions were added to the downloadable ZIP package.

NEW Now "type" property is also returned for getAllHierarchies() and getAllMeasures() API calls when using Elasticsearch.

FIX The issue with opening local report when Flexmonster is placed in an iFrame was fixed.

FIX The issue with formatting % values in the drill-through view was fixed.

FIX The issue with the wrong isTotal value of the drilled-up cells was fixed.

FIX The issue with the filtering in the context menu was fixed.

FIX The issue with applying CSS classes to submenu items in customizeContextMenu() was fixed.

August 2021 (v. 2.9.5)

FIX FusionCharts Connector The issue with the currency symbol not getting applied was fixed.

FIX Google Charts and Highcharts Connectors The currency symbol alignment was improved.

FIX The issue with data labels out of bounds on the bar chart was fixed.

FIX Value sorting is kept when changing slice using the Field List.

FIX Several improvements were added for the "Black-Orange" and "Midnight" predefined CSS themes.

FIX The issue with corrupted symbols in the date search input was fixed.

FIX The issue with loading the reports without measure sorting was fixed.

FIX The issue with the object's keys naming in the save callback function was fixed.

FIX Data Server/custom data source API The issue with dependent calculated values was fixed.

July 2021 (v. 2.9.4)

NEW Integration with the Blazor framework was added (read docs).

FIX The issue with calculated values naming was fixed.

FIX The issue with sortOrder not affecting "date string" fields was fixed.

FIX Data Server The ThousandSeparator property was renamed to ThousandsSeparator in the configuration.

FIX Data Server The issue with loading an HTTPS certificate with a password was fixed.

FIX Data Server/custom data source API The issue with not applying conditional formatting if a formula contains a reference to a measure was fixed.

FIX Admin Panel The Windows issue with infinite loading screen if incorrect settings are applied was fixed.

FIX Accelerator The issue with CACHE_MEMORY_LIMIT max value was fixed.

July 2021 (v. 2.9.3)

NEW A new round function was added to the calculated values view. Check an example.

FIX The issue with sortingMethod when working with custom data source API was fixed.

FIX The issue with clearing flatSort when changing the slice was fixed.

FIX The issue with drag and drop in the Field List was fixed.

FIX Dragging to the top position in the Field List was improved.

FIX The issue with   appearing in Excel export was fixed.