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Release notes

July 2020 (v. 2.8.11)

NEW accessibility Navigating through the Toolbar tabs using the keyboard was introduced. Please use experimental accessibility: true option in the Flexmonster constructor to be able to see the focused items.

NEW Now the "id" property is also supported for hierarchical structure data in the custom API data source.

FIX The issue with the exception when adding conditional formatting in the flat form for the custom API data source was fixed.

FIX The issue with applying conditional formatting on non-numeric data in the flat form was fixed.

FIX The issue with copying from the grid was fixed.

FIX The issue with dispatching the reportchange event before actual changes in the Field List was fixed.

FIX Elasticsearch The issue with adding odd slash into the node URL was fixed.

FIX Elasticsearch The issue with adding custom request headers was fixed.

FIX The issue with displaying and selecting measures in the flat form was fixed.

FIX The issue with removing a measure from the slice using the context menu was fixed.

June 2020 (v. 2.8.10)

NEW The following CSS themes for Flexmonster Pivot were introduced: "Striped-Blue", "Striped-Teal", "Purple", "Black-Orange", "Bright-Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Midnight", "Mac-OS", and "Soft-Default". Check out the new color schemes in the Themes demo.

NEW The following localization files are now available for use: GermanTurkish, and Dutch. Also, the Chinese localization was updated.

FIX When grand totals are disabled, and no fields are selected for rows or columns, grand totals are still shown.

FIX The issue with the header column being counted in the auto-calculation bar in the drill-through view was fixed.

FIX The exceptions when using the Field List were fixed.

FIX The collapsed, expanded, drilledUp, drilledDown, and negativeNumberFormat properties were added to the TypeScript definitions.

FIX The issue with rendering the wrong scrollbar size on the grid with customized scrollbar styles was fixed.

FIX The issue when the Field List on the right does not expand in fullscreen mode was fixed.

FIX The issue with editing calculated values via UI was fixed.

FIX The issue with duplication of multilevel hierarchies in the drill-through view was fixed.

FIX The issue with applying localization to the Toolbar was fixed.

FIX The issue with the drop-down selection in chart mode was fixed.

FIX The issue with getReport() after partial updateData() was fixed.

FIX The issue with exporting dates to Excel was fixed.

FIX The issue when adding measures with different aggregations to a slice was fixed.

FIX The issue with running updateData() with the empty pivot table was fixed.

FIX The issue with de-selecting levels in the Field List was fixed.

FIX The issue with an empty interval property in the /select request was fixed.

FIX Elasticsearch The issue with freezing when dragging a field to another position was fixed.

FIX SSAS The issue with setting "No calculation" was fixed.

June 2020 (v. 2.8.9)

NEW An ability to use showEmptyValues separately by rows and columns was added.

NEW flexmonster.js was migrated to ES6 JavaScript standard to utilize modern browsers' features. Note: IE11 users should stay on old ES5 build (flexmonster.es5.js).

NEW Data Server A new configuration property DecimalSeparator was added for csv files.

NEW Data Server A new configuration property CacheSizeLimit for caching responses was added.

FIX Data Server The issue with loading big datasets from databases was fixed.

FIX The issue with filtering when showEmptyValues is enabled was fixed.

FIX The exception when the calculated value formula calls itself recursively was fixed.

FIX The issue when a calculated value could have the uniqueName that is already present in the data source was fixed. Now, if the data source already contains a field with the specified uniqueName, Flexmonster shows values for this field and ignores the formula property.

FIX The "Promise is undefined" exception when using IE11 and RequireJS was fixed.

FIX The issue with overwriting filters in a slice for third-party charts integration was fixed.

FIX The issue with formatting (decimalPlaces/maxDecimalPlaces) not being applied to large numbers in exponential notation was fixed. Note: min decimal places for e-notation numbers is 1.

FIX For the custom data source API, the issue with skipping the folder property from a response to a /fields request was fixed.

FIX For the custom data source API, the exception when the "distinctcount" aggregation of a string data type field is used in a calculated value was fixed.

FIX The exception with expanding rows in the Custom API was fixed.

FIX The issue with the empty column in the drill-through view using the custom data source API was fixed.

FIX Now "% of Parent Column Total" and "% of Parent Row Total" aggregations work correctly in calculated values.

FIX The issue with switching between the flat form and charts was fixed.

FIX The issue with the inactive Apply button in the flat form Field List was fixed.

FIX The issue with parsing dimensional data with dates was fixed.

FIX The issue with exporting to Excel was fixed.

FIX The exception when removing a field from the flat form was fixed.

FIX The issue with the flat form when using custom data source API and hierarchies with multiple levels was fixed.

FIX For SSAS, the issue when the same measure is used in a report several times with different aggregations was fixed.

FIX React Native wrapper The issue with the component not resizing when the orientation is changed was fixed.

FIX flexmonster.d.ts The following properties were added: rightGroup, fieldListPosition, the measure property in type ConditionalFormat, the sort property in type Hierarchy.

June 2020 (v. 2.8.8)

NEW mapping The mapping property now allows loading mapping from the remote source.

NEW The new hook customizeChartElement to apply customizations for charts was added.

NEW For CSV export, the new option alwaysEnclose was added to enclose all fields in quotes.

FIX Elasticsearch The issue with incorrect aggregations for non-numeric fields was fixed.

FIX The issue with formatting (decimalSeparator) not being applied to large numbers in exponential notation was fixed.

FIX The issue with report filters not re-positioning by drag and drop to the last position was fixed.

FIX custom data source API The issue with extra values (if sent in the response) overwriting values on the grid was fixed.

FIX The issue with multiple columns having running totals aggregation was fixed.

FIX The issue when hidden fields in mapping broke reports for CSV data source was fixed.

FIX The issue with data loading ticker was fixed.

FIX The issue with loading empty data was fixed.

FIX The issue when non-empty availableAggregations array for SSAS data source KPIs was returned by getMeasures() was fixed.

FIX The issue when availableAggregations array for SSAS data source KPIs was saved in the report or returned by getReport() was fixed.

FIX The exception when a conditional formatting rule is applied on top of several measures one of which has a 'differenceofrow' aggregation applied was fixed.

FIX If a measure is not selected for a slice and if its aggregation property is the only that differs from the default one, this measure is not being saved to the report.

FIX The issue with the active levels in hierarchies for custom data source API was fixed.

FIX Data Server The issue with count aggregation on data with empty values was fixed.

May 2020 (v. 2.8.7)

NEW The "Difference" aggregation "difference" is split into two different aggregations: "Difference of Column" "differenceofcolumn" and "Difference of Row" "differenceofrow". If the deprecated "Difference" aggregation "difference" is used, Flexmonster Pivot will automatically treat it as "Difference of Column" "differenceofcolumn".

NEW The "% Difference" aggregation "%difference" is split into two different aggregations: "% Difference of Column" "%differenceofcolumn" and "% Difference of Row" "%differenceofrow". If the deprecated "% Difference" aggregation "%difference" is used, Flexmonster Pivot will automatically treat it as "% Difference of Column" "%differenceofcolumn".

NEW The "Running Totals" aggregation "runningtotals" is split into two different aggregations: "Running Totals of Column" "runningtotalsofcolumn" and "Running Totals of Row" "runningtotalsofrow". If the deprecated "Running Totals" aggregation "runningtotals" is used, Flexmonster Pivot will automatically treat it as "Running Totals of Column" "runningtotalsofcolumn".

NEW The following aggregations were introduced for the string data type in JSON and CSV data sources:

  • "percent"
  • "percentofcolumn"
  • "percentofrow"
  • "percentofparentcolumntotal"
  • "percentofparentrowtotal"
  • "index"
  • "differenceofcolumn"
  • "differenceofrow"
  • "%differenceofcolumn"
  • "%differenceofrow"
  • "runningtotalsofcolumn"
  • "runningtotalsofrow"

NEW A new "negativeNumberFormat" property was added to the Format Object.

NEW A new option distinguishNullUndefinedEmpty was added to separate empty values from null and undefined.

NEW Now the flat view shows all levels with year/month/day and year/quarter/month/day date types.

NEW Data Server Now basic Flexmonster Data Server functionality is available as a DLL at NuGet.

NEW Data Server New properties for HTTPS configuration were added.

FIX The sorting issue with hierarchies that have numeric levels was fixed.

FIX custom data source API The exception when only one level of a hierarchy is active was fixed.

FIX custom data source API The issue with expanding hierarchies was fixed.

FIX custom data source API The issue while reading year and month types of levels was fixed.

FIX custom data source API The issue with missed measures in the calculated values was fixed.

FIX custom data source API Support of id's instead of names for members was restored.

FIX custom data source API The incorrect saving of the mapping object to the report after switching between compact, classic, and flat tables was fixed.

FIX Data Server The issue with nulls in the first JSON object was fixed.

FIX The issue with the blank column in the drill-through view was fixed.

FIX The issue with saving inactive calculated values to the Report Object was fixed.

FIX Mapping for CSV is now applied by column names instead of column indexes.

FIX Mapping for CSV is now applied on top of the default structure (so it does not require to enumerate all fields).

FIX The option for hiding subtotals on rows was improved for the compact view (empty rows are hidden).