We have changed our pricing. Flexmonster Software License Agreement was also updated (list of changes)

Release notes

June 2019 (v. 2.7.8)

NEW Pivot table for Kibana is released. Please install it using the following command:

kibana-plugin install https://github.com/flexmonster/pivot-kibana/releases/download/v1.1/flexmonster_pivot-v1.1.zip

For more details, refer to our official tutorial.

NEW Added two new localization labels: positive_currency_format and negative_currency_format. Get the updated localization on our GitHub.

FIX The issue with blank columns was fixed for the grid with showTotals turned off.

FIX API call updateData() was fixed for the case when partial property is true.

FIX The minor issue with non-empty response from getCell() API call with showTotals turned off was fixed.

FIX SSAS Invalid handshaking request to the server was fixed.

FIX The issue with exceptions while loading large JSON files with dozens of columns was fixed.

FIX The issue with disappearing spaces in the large JSON files was fixed.

FIX Add calculated value button is now visible with fieldListPosition:"right".

FIX Cell max width and max height is now 500px and 100px accordingly. It's possible to override the default values using CSS classes .fm-grid-column/.fm-grid-row:

#fm-pivot-view .fm-grid-column {
    max-width: 300px;
#fm-pivot-view .fm-grid-row {
    max-height: 300px;

FIX The error elasticsearch is not defined in Webpack projects was fixed.

FIX The random issue with incorrect loading of CSV/JSON/OCSV data with slow network connection was fixed.

FIX Data Compressor The issue with setting custom delimiter for compressing CSV files was fixed.

FIX The issue with the datachanged event not returning column's uniqueName was fixed.

FIX Data Compressor for PHP The issue with recognizing numeric types from PostgreSQL was fixed.

FIX The sorting of measures in flat form is now stored to report.

FIX The issue with using getData() and calculated measure in slice was fixed.

June 2019 (v. 2.7.7)

NEW Exporting the Unicode characters to PDF is now supported. It means that from now on you can save PDF reports in Chinese, Arabic or any other language without any problems. To do this, you only need to provide an appropriate TTF font file while using exportTo() API call. Also, we have prepared a list of ready-to-use Google Noto Fonts that you can use to support almost any language in the world. Please note, that only fonts in standard TTF format are supported. Example of usage:

flexmonster.exportTo('pdf', {
  fontUrl: 'https://cdn.flexmonster.com/fonts/NotoSansCJKtc-Regular.ttf'

Check out an updated localization demo on JSFiddle.

NEW Compatibility with Elasticsearch 7.1 was improved.

NEW Custom request headers are now supported for Elasticsearch via dataSource.requestHeader property.

NEW A host property for Elasticsearch was renamed to a node. The host is deprecated but still supported.

NEW A new label progressKnown was added. It is used to display the process of loading CSV/OCSV when the size of the data file is defined.

NEW Now it is possible to define uniqueName property in JSON meta object for an array of arrays.

NEW A new property caseSensitiveMembers was added to distinguish members with different cases.

FIX The random issue with incorrect loading of CSV/JSON/OCSV data with slow network connection was fixed.

FIX Added warning alert if loaded JSON report doesn't contain required properties.

FIX The issue with grouping measures in the Field List when using strictDataTypes option was fixed.

FIX The issue with grid export to the image was fixed.

FIX Data Compressor The issue with compressing similar member names on different levels was fixed.

FIX The issue with appending compressed data was fixed.

FIX The issue with entering fullscreen mode when the component has fixed size was resolved.

FIX The issue with loading gziped data from the Data Compressor using the Mozilla Firefox browser was fixed.

FIX The issue with icons and react-flexmonster module was fixed.

FIX SSAS The issue with empty grand totals for hierarchies with no all member was fixed.

May 2019 (v. 2.7.6)

NEW Added ability to add custom CSS class to the context menu items. Use new property items[].class inside customizeContextMenu.

FIX Responsive layout for the Toolbar icons was improved.

FIX The issue with multiple expands for Elasticsearch was fixed.

FIX The issue with searching members in the filter pop-up window in the SSAS data source was fixed.

FIX The issue with loading large JSON array of arrays was fixed.

May 2019 (v. 2.7.5)

NEW Now the request headers are available for the XMLA connection.

FIX The issue with the text-align of header cells in Excel export was fixed.

FIX The issue with formatting percent values in charts, drill-through pop-up window, and the auto-calculation bar was fixed.

FIX Data Compressor for Java The issue with compressing numbers with comma as decimal separator in Java was fixed.

FIX The issue with combining query and exclude filters for multilevel hierarchies was fixed.

FIX The issue with drill-down and drill-up after loading report for CSV/JSON data sources was fixed.

FIX The issue with distinct count aggregation for hierarchies with multiple levels (e.g., year/month/day) was fixed.

FIX The issue with rounding numbers when formatting decimal places was fixed.

FIX The issue with popping-up the “Pivot cannot be drawn” alert message when a license key is not set for the component was fixed.

April 2019 (v. 2.7.4)

NEW A new chart.axisShortNumberFormat property was added to Options Object. Indicates whether axes labels on charts are displayed in a short number format like 10K, 10M, 10B, 10T (true) or not (false). Default value: undefined (show short format if max value > 10M).

NEW A new validateFormulas property was added to Options Object. Indicates whether the validation will be performed for calculated values (true) or not (false). In case the validation is turned on and the report contains invalid formula, the "Wrong formula format" alert message is shown. To turn off the "Wrong formula format" alert message, set the validateFormulas property to false. Default value: true.

FIX The license info pop-up window was updated.

FIX The issue with values filter when changing measure aggregation was fixed.

FIX The issue with the AMD module for Flexmonster was fixed.

FIX The issue with loading dependencies in React was fixed.

FIX The issue with calculated values reordering was fixed.

FIX The issue with the error in the classic form and unexpected "Too many columns in classic view…" pop-up window was fixed.

FIX The issue with loading JSON data from the Toolbar when the data has only the meta-object was fixed.

FIX Data Compressor for Node.js The issue with compressing level data in the Data Compressor for Node.js was fixed.

FIX The issue with moving and deselecting fields in the Field List was fixed.

FIX The error when running setOptions() with empty input was fixed.