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Release notes

March 2019 (v. 2.7.1)

NEW Median aggregation was added for SQL/CSV/JSON data sources.

NEW Now the showDataLabels charts option property enables data labels displaying for all chart types, including line, scatter, and stacked column.

FIX Added elasticsearch.js to the bundled flexmonster.full.js (for Webpack integration).

FIX The issue with removeSelection() API call was fixed.

March 2019 (v. 2.7.0)

NEW Added brand new filtering feature. Now Flexmonster supports powerful filtering for the following data types:

  • Dates (for example, filter by date ranges)
  • Time
  • Strings

NEW Filtering by values is extended with a number of new conditions.

NEW Memory consumption is reduced up to 50% for files of more than 100Mb.

NEW Now Flexmonster supports connection to Elasticsearch data source out of the box.

NEW Fresh UI: updated the look & feel of Flexmonster icons.

NEW Now, when the export to the server has failed, Flexmonster returns the error response to the callback. The error object consists of response, status and message properties.

NEW Now, dates with types date, year/month/day, year/quarter/month/day are parsed in the local (client's) time zone. That makes all our date types consistent regarding the time zone in which they are parsed.

FIX Rendering and data loading process was made smoother. Improved balance of CPU usage by different processes.

FIX Accelerator SSAS The issue with exporting to PDF, CSV, HTML was fixed.

FIX The issue with showing aggregations in the context menu when showAggregations is set as false was fixed.

FIX The issue with Toolbar labels for 90% zoom was fixed.

February 2019 (v. 2.6.15)

NEW Added ability to import numbers with a comma as a thousand separator from CSV files.

NEW Accelerator SSAS Now, when SSAS is used with Flexmonster Accelerator, the drill-through view displays only the properties which are available in the slice. Now, the Field List is also available for the drill-through view when using SSAS with Flexmonster Accelerator.

NEW Accelerator SSAS A new property showAllFieldsDrillThrough was added to options object. By default, it has value false which enables prefiltering the drill-through view columns when using SSAS with Flexmonster Accelerator. If set as true, the drill-through view will display all the available columns when using SSAS with Flexmonster Accelerator.

NEW Now, datachanged event is triggered when the editing was finished by clicking outside Flexmonster's container.

NEW Now, it is possible to set the drillThrough slice property in the global object. That allows pre-configuring the default list of columns that will be shown in the drill-through view.

NEW Now, the Excel formulas are also escaped when exporting to CSV.

FIX The issue with adding an unnecessary single quote to Excel export file was fixed.

FIX The issue with the year/quarter/month/day type in the flat view was fixed.

FIX The issue with long labels in the filter was fixed.

FIX Message "No measures to display." was updated to "No measures to display. Add at least one measure in the Field List.". Also, it was added to localization files.

FIX The issue with editing date string columns in the flat table was fixed.

FIX The issue with showing the Field List button in the drill-through view was fixed.

February 2019 (v. 2.6.14)

NEW Now updateHandler of the getData() API call is triggered also when a number format is changed.

NEW SSAS Filtering added to the drill-through view.

NEW Now, when the showHeaders option parameter is set to false, the column resizer is placed on the second row.

FIX The issue with filtering and grand total percent in the formula was fixed.

FIX The issue with the "max" aggregation and negative values was fixed.

FIX The issue with showing empty cells instead of zeroes for "count" aggregation was fixed.

FIX The issue with resetting measure's format when formatting with the Toolbar was fixed.

FIX The issue with exporting to Excel when the starting layout is the chart's layout was fixed.

FIX The issue with opening filters in the flat table was fixed.

FIX exportTo() method with destinationType: "plain" was improved to return result.data in the following types:

  • for HTML export: string
  • for CSV export: string
  • for Excel export: Uint8Array
  • for Image export: HTMLCanvasElement
  • for PDF export: jsPDF object

January 2019 (v. 2.6.13)

NEW Now, a requestHeader property is available as a part of export options property. It can be used for saving the export files on the server.

NEW Now, grandTotalCaption is also supported for calculated measures.

NEW  A new toolbar property was added to Flexmonster API as a reference to the Toolbar instance to be able to call its functions on the page from outside of Flexmonster Pivot.

NEW Accelerator Now requestHeader is also available for the cube data sources such as Mondrian and SSAS (with Accelerators only).

FIX Progress message about loaded KB of CSV/OCSV/JSON files was fixed.

FIX The issue with scrolling with the key buttons was fixed.

FIX The issue with exporting "$0" strings to Excel in IE browser was fixed.

FIX Data Compressor The issue with TIME type was fixed.

FIX Accelerator SSAS Additional improvements for large data loading.