We have updated Flexmonster Software License Agreement, effective as of September 30, 2024. Learn more about what’s changed.

Release notes

July 2018 (v. 2.5.6)

NEW New charts option property showDataLabels was added to enable data labels displaying for column and bar chart types (see live demo on JSFiddle).

NEW Cell Data Object was extended with escapedLabel property where certain characters, such as <, >, ", ' or /, are replaced by a hexadecimal escape sequence. Please note, now the example illustrating how to add links to some cells is updated (open on JSFiddle).

FIX The issue with custom sorting on the flat table was fixed.

FIX If field captions contain certain characters, such as <, >, ", ' or /, they will be displayed correctly in the component.

FIX The issue with column header resizing in the flat view was fixed.

FIX The issue with hidden scrollbars on macOS (Safari & Chrome) was fixed.

FIX clear() method was improved to cancel loading of a report.

FIX The issue with row gridlines in macOS browsers (Safari & Chrome) was fixed.

FIX The issue with the wrong number of drilled members of the 3rd level was fixed.

FIX The issue with the array of arrays data source when it has only one member was fixed.

FIX The issue in the array of arrays data source when elements have , sign was fixed.

FIX The issue with saving to OCSV was fixed.

FIX Compressor The issue with multi-level hierarchies was fixed.

June 2018 (v. 2.5.5)

NEW Now export to Excel works correctly when using such currency symbols: USD (usd), EUR (eur), HUF (huf), UAH (uah) etc.

NEW Now when exporting datetime data to Excel, Excel also shows the time part and treats it like a date. time data is treated like Time in Excel now. The recommended approach to use it: apply ds+ type ("date string" for JSON) to have simple date, apply dt+ type ("datetime" for JSON) to have datetime, apply t+ type ("time" for JSON) to have time data.

FIX The issue with fullscreen mode when zoom differs from 100% was fixed.

FIX The issue with deselecting fields in Flat view was fixed.

FIX The issue with an exception when switching from flat view to charts was fixed.

June 2018 (v. 2.5.4)

NEW Angular 6 support was added. Please update ng-flexmonster to the latest version.

NEW Now it is possible to calculate Standard Deviation for the specific measure (just choose the appropriate aggregation from the list).

NEW celldoubleclick event was extended to return the whole data row in a drill-through view. When the cell is double-clicked in the drill-through view, celldoubleclick returns Cell Data Object with the new property rowData. rowData is an array of cells from the underlying data row. Each cell is a Cell Data Object.

NEW Slice object was extended with a new drillThrough property. It allows pre-defining slice for the drill-through view.

NEW datachanged event was extended to return the old value. It can be accessed the following way: event.data[0].oldValue.

FIX The issue of adding fm-ui-element CSS class to DOM elements outside of the Flexmonster component was fixed.

FIX The expand/collapse icon disappearing when you drill down hierarchy was fixed.

May 2018 (v. 2.5.3)

NEW Integration with Webpack was improved and simplified. Check out the tutorial.

NEW NPM flexmonster package was updated to support importing as an ES6/CommonJS module.

FIX Issues with printing charts and exporting charts to HTML in IE were fixed.

May 2018 (v. 2.5.2)

NEW Flexmonster is now available on NPM.

NEW Option to disable dragging fields on the grid was added. Learn more.

FIX The issue when preloader is not disappearing was fixed.

FIX The issue with setting the title for drill through view was fixed.

FIX The issue with empty formula was fixed.

FIX The issue with full-screen mode was fixed.

FIX The issue with loading localization object in ExtJS framework was fixed.

FIX The issue with showing data in wrong cells for some specific data sources was fixed.

FIX A few issues with dispatching reportchange event were fixed.