Release notes

April 2024 (v. 2.9.76)

NEW Descriptions in license pop-up alerts were improved.

FIX The issue with the default conditional formatting styles was fixed.

FIX The issue with incorrect calculated value formulas when field captions are used instead of unique names was fixed.

FIX The issue when dragging fields into an empty row area in the classic (tabular) pivot table led to console errors was fixed.

April 2024 (v. 2.9.75)

NEW It is now possible to override default formatting styles in the conditional formatting view. To modify the styles, use the toolbar.defaults.defaultConditionalFormat object. See an example.

April 2024 (v. 2.9.74)

NEW The level property of the CellDataObject is now available for column cells.

FIX The issue with the reportchange event not being triggered on filtering while using the custom data source API was fixed.

March 2024 (v. 2.9.73)

NEW Flexmonster CLI Flexmonster CLI dependencies were updated.

NEW theme builder The less dependency for the theme builder was updated.

FIX The issue with the wrong running totals calculation for multilevel hierarchies when the expandAll property is enabled was fixed.

FIX The issue with filtering when the expandAll property is enabled and a multilevel hierarchy is selected in the slice was fixed.

FIX pivot charts The issue with the measures dropdown menu closing when the scrollbar is clicked was fixed.

March 2024 (v. 2.9.72)

FIX The issue with keyboard navigation on frozen cells in the classic (tabular) form was fixed.

FIX The styling of focused context menu items when using keyboard navigation was improved.

FIX The issue with generating Flexmonster CSS files using the latest lessc command was fixed.

FIX  The issue with horizontal scroll jumping when using updateData() with custom data source API was fixed.