NEW In exported Excel file, grid's title is displayed centered in merged cells above the table.
NEW Accelerator Accelerator's security is improved to process requests only from Flexmonster Component.
NEW Accelerator Now it is possible to use credentials in the report to access the data. Refer to the documentation for more (Analysis Services and Mondrian).
FIX The sort icon does not appear in empty header cells on the grid. They appear only in header cells with members and totals.
FIX The issue with toolbar pop-up windows location was fixed.
FIX Expand/drill all for Mondrian was fixed.
FIX The issue with drill down for unbalanced hierarchies was fixed.
FIX The issue with visualization of empty charts was fixed.
FIX The issue with bar line chart's labels was fixed.
FIX The issue with calculated pop-up closing was fixed.
FIX The issue with a label in a chart for multiple value mode was fixed.
FIX The issue with hidden last drilled down levels of hierarchy in classic view was fixed.
FIX The issue with null
values in JSON was fixed.
FIX The issue with opening Drill-Through View in IE10 was fixed.
FIX The issue with showing data that contains HTML entities was fixed.
FIX The issue when grid's title was displayed as a cell with black background color in the exported Excel file was fixed. This issue was reproducible in IE11 and FF.
FIX The issue when $0
values were displayed in the exported HTML file as {0}
was fixed. This issue was reproducible only in IE11.
FIX The issue with export to Image in IE11 was fixed. It was done by adding promise.js
version 7.0.4 to JS libraries from which the Component depends and updating flexmonster.js
with this dependency.
FIX The issue with search in Filter for Accelerator was fixed.
FIX Flash Toolbar supports Internet Explorer 8 now.
FIX Accelerator The issue with infinite search in filter for SSAS data source was fixed.
NEW Mondrian 4 via XMLA protocol is now supported.
NEW HTML5 d3.js
was updated from version 3.3.11 to version 3.5.12.
NEW Accelerator Accelerator for Mondrian 4 is now available.
NEW Accelerator Option to limit RAM memory used for the cache was added.
FIX API call getMeasures()
was fixed to return valid values for Flat View.
FIX The issue with saving default formatting was fixed.
FIX The issue with loading of non-aggregatable members was fixed.
FIX The issue when infinite loop occurred when calling setOptions()
in jsPivotUpdateHandler
was fixed.
FIX The issue with Filter View shrank height was fixed.
FIX An exception in pie chart when all values are zero was fixed.
FIX The issue when setReport()
removes the first record from original JSON in Flex project was fixed.
NEW The component uses the filename
as it comes to exportTo()
API call, without converting it to lowercase.
NEW HTML5 Localization for right-click Context Menu is now available. Example:
<contextMenu> <clearSorting>Clear Sorting</clearSorting> <collapse>Collapse</collapse> <expand>Expand</expand> <openFilter>Open Filter</openFilter> <sortColumnAsc>Sort Column Asc</sortColumnAsc> <sortColumnDesc>Sort Column Desc</sortColumnDesc> <sortRowAsc>Sort Row Asc</sortRowAsc> <sortRowDesc>Sort Row Desc</sortRowDesc> <drillThrough>Drill Through</drillThrough> </contextMenu>
NEW Accelerator Logging to "flexmonster.log.txt"
file was added.
FIX The issue with setting "customSorting"
via runQuery()
method was fixed.
FIX The exception when refresh()
was called right after setting data from API was fixed.
FIX The issue with missing rows in Classic View was fixed.
FIX Predefined drilled down members were fixed.
FIX Context menu for Flat Table was fixed.
FIX The issue with jQuery and Flexmonster in WordPress sites was fixed.
FIX The issue with Aggregations View out-of-screen position was fixed.
FIX Using the same color on Bar Line chart for particular layouts was fixed.
FIX The issue when pivot table could be hanged by CSS table {width: 100%;}
was fixed.
FIX Handling of inappropriate input data for date fields (numbers, booleans, etc. - anything except string) was fixed.
FIX The issue with hidden "pages"
hierarchies in the Filter View was fixed.
FIX Accelerator The issue with Values field on rows was fixed.
FIX Accelerator The issue with drill down/up for Data Accelerator was fixed.
NEW String values are left aligned in Flat View now.
NEW HTML5 Drill-through is now available for mobile UI.
FIX Big improvement with memory usage optimization.
FIX The issue with Filter View out-of-screen position was fixed.
FIX The issue "Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' on 'Document': 'really long selector string omitted' is not a valid selector" related to using html2canvas
was resolved. html2canvas.min.js
was updated to the newest version.
NEW Java RESTful API project that illustrates how to get data from Relational DBs and use our Java Compressor.
NEW Drill-through for Mondrian is now available (using the Accelerator only).
NEW The list of available aggregations for fields of "date string"
and "datetime"
data types was extended with Count
and Distinct
Count aggregations.
NEW HTML5/Flash The simplest way to define JSON data - in embedPivotComponent()
function using data
property. Even dataSourceType
is not needed in this case:
flexmonster.embedPivotComponent(“”, “100%”, “600”, { data: [ { “Category” : “Accessories”, “Color” : “green”, “Quantity” : 22 } ] }, true);
NEW Flex The toolbar in Flex was updated with new icons and new options - 'Connect > To local JSON' and switcher between Compact, Classic and Flat grid views in 'Options'.
FIX Closing Details View after switching to Flat View.
FIX Fixed issue with wrong numbers in distinct count.
FIX 2.2 version introduces simplified naming of dimensions, hierarchies, measures and members for CSV/JSON data sources. There were backward compatibility issues with naming in reports generated by previous component's versions which are fixed:
API call.[Date].[Date].[Year]
, [Date].[Date].[Month]
, [Date].[Date].[Day]
, where 3 and more elements were used in names.FIX Connection to MSAS via XMLA: the issue when 'Invalid datasource or catalog' message was shown if there are no KPIs in cube was fixed.
FIX Issue with saving fieldSeparator
for TSV was fixed. Now it is saved in report XML the following way: <fieldSeparator><![CDATA[ ]]></fieldSeparator>
FIX Values of "datetime"
, "time"
and "date string"
fields are formatted based on date/time patterns only if Sum
, Average
, Product
, Min
or Max
aggregation is selected for them. They are formatted as numbers if one of the following aggregations is used to aggregate them: Count
, Distinct Count
, % of Grand Total
, % of Column
, % of Row or Index
FIX When you select "date string"
field with check box in Field List is put in rows by default.
FIX Accelerator The issue with connecting to Accelerator via JavaScript (connectTo()
, setReport()
methods) was fixed.
FIX Accelerator The issue with CORS was fixed.
FIX Accelerator The issue with freezing on "Loading KPIs..." was fixed.
FIX Accelerator Prevent terminating Accelerator app by hitting Enter key.
FIX The height of Field List was adjusted for mobile layout.
FIX The issue with truncated labels in PDF export was fixed.
FIX Image cell renderers were fixed.