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Big Data means Big Profit: Time to Gain Augmented Visibility

The Big Data continues to roam through the world of business intelligence. Recently, I’ve came across a totally striking infographics, displaying an impact of Big Data market on enterprises. Regardless of industry and size, company executives begin to understand how big data inside their company can be converted into big profitability.

How Pivot Tables are Important in Data-Driven Decisions

Analysis tools are essential part of enterprise software as they become more and more effective in day-to-day decision making. As most companies operate big data amounts today, it is obvious that it becomes difficult to do all the data retrieval, management and analysis, or the ETL cycle. If implemented properly, the data-driven decision making can increase overall company performance from 5% and up!

Big Data is sprouting today across every company life. Web traffic, social marketing activities, as well as KPI like shipments, sales and customer care - all of these are data that are coming into the company, but require quick and efficient tools for decision making. The data becomes the main driver of the company as it becomes as important asset as personnel or money.

Implementing Authentication for OLAP Cubes in Flexmonster Pivot

In one of our previous blog posts we have mentioned that Flexmonster Pivot can connect not only raw OLAP data such as CSV, but also OLAP cubes such as Microsoft Analysis Services, Pentaho Mondrian, JasperReports Server and icCube.

Case study: Connecting Flexmonster Pivot Table to Salesforce CRM

Salesforce CRM is currently one of the most popular cloud services across the world featuring the most robust and "social" tool to salesmen. As they thrive to shift the sales paradigm to Social Enterprise, their tools offers fast and low-cost insight for users.

Big Data Analysis with Pivot Tables

Today, rapid analysis of big data is crucial for efficient business decisions. By year 2015, according to Gartner research, the companies who have implemented fast big data management and analysis will begin to win over their unprepared competitors by 20% in every available financial metric that is critical to run their businesses.

Showcase: Connect Pivot Table and Chart Components to XMLA based OLAP Cube

With the Flexmonster pivot table component you can connect to Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (2005, 2008) or Pentaho Analysis Services (Mondrian) as well as any other business intelligence software that supports XMLA standard.
Follow these simple steps to get your Pivot connected to XMLA-based OLAP cube: