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The Upcoming 2.3 Version Feature: Better Compatibility With Popular JS Frameworks

What's all this about:

It’s known that web based Flexmonster Pivot component integrates with any JavaScript frameworks. However, sometimes it was a challenge for our customers to integrate the pivot into the needed framework due to their huge variety. Surely, we helped in solving those issues but it took some time. Caring about customers’ time we came to minimizing the efforts when combining the Component with a js framework by creating a solution.

What we did:

What data do you have? A Data Definition Framework

In the last blog, we discussed data visualisation mistakes everyone can make. Also, we all know that the quality of any data visualisation and data analysis is conditional on the quality of the data. During data analysis, a proper new finding can be revealed only if data is accurate and trustworthy. Thus, this time, we are going to look deeper at types of data with an eye to ordering and understanding your data assets better.

In numbers we trust?

Our business life and much of our experiences are grounded on the credence to numbers. We trust numbers as the means to reaching truth and objectivity in analysis, as well as confidence in conclusions. They tell us about the variety of important subjects, moreover, they present a distinction between what is accepted as harmless and what is supposed to be dangerous. And since data-driven decisions define the further course of actions we with the same rigour long for objectivity through numbers in business reports and in health issues.

What gets measured gets done

In the last blogs, we mostly focused on few universal aspects of business reporting. We discussed data visualisation and storytelling impact on perception and effectiveness of business reports. This time, in order to reach more concrete insights, we will concentrate more on marketing analytics.

Localize Pivot Component to Your Business Needs

The basic feature of a quality flexible component is its custom ability and localization to your project's needs. Flexmonster Pivot Table & Charts component can be easily localized, so it can be shown in English for US and in French for France or to any other language your users used to. Doing localization as seamless as possible is one of the tasks we have implemented in a convenient way for Flexmonster Pivot integration developers.

When data speaks to business

It is not a novel concept that data visualization is crucial for efficient business reporting. Essentially the purpose of reports is to decode abstract data into visual stories which can be understood in an efficient, precise, and meaningful way. Thus, business leaders need to invest in the ability to gather ideas and insights from their data through visualisation.

Among main benefits for executives, visual data displaying gives optimal support for the following:

    • Observing the big picture. As CEO is responsible for strategic development seeing the big picture is fundamental for any executive.
    • Recognising and analysing patterns and relationships among values. Taking actions in a business environment requires a deeper understanding of possible consequences based on the knowledge and a bit of intuition.
    • Identifying appearing trends faster. The speed of making decisions can play a significant role for competing in today’s global world.

    What is hidden behind the scatter diagram?

    After the battle between pie charts and bar charts, it is a good time to relax and explore scatter plots. Since last time we pointed out main goals of using charts and graphs and mentioned investigating trends and relationships between variables in the data. Exactly for this purpose, all types of scatter plots are typically used. A scatter plot shows values for usually two variables for a set of data. The data is displayed as a collection of points with positions on the horizontal axis set according to the values of one variable and positions on the vertical axis set under to the value of the other variable.

    What do you prefer pies or chocolate bars?

    Last time we were exploring risk factors of having a coronary heart disease with the help of Flexmonster Pivot Table Component. In the process, we had been using a flat table, pivot table, and charts above all. This time, we will talk about using pie charts and bar charts for different purposes.
    Selecting a type of chart depends primarily on what sort of data you have, at what stage of your analysis you are, and what message you want to convey. Generally, charts and graphs are used for one of the following purposes:

    1. to show a composition of the data,
    2. to investigate a distribution and/or trends,
    3. to express comparisons and/or relationships,
    4. to illustrate a process or display a location.

    Keep using Flash or Flex version?- We have options for you!

    In May 2015 we announced about terminating the development of Flash and Flex versions of the Component in future releases. Due to the market tendencies we took the strong decision to completely focus on the development of HTML5 version only. And we need to stress out that the current 2.2 release is the last one that includes Flash and Flex versions.

    Yes, we are on the threshold of some big changes in our Pivot component offer, still, you shouldn’t worried.

    Analysing risks of Having a Heart Attack

    Last time we slightly discussed the role of data visualisation in exploration data analysis (EDA). As promised, this time, we are going to run such analysis using Flexmonster Pivot Table Component. For this work, we had chosen always actual health care topic.

    Data visualisation on the service of Sherlock Holmes

    "I see it, I deduce it...You see, but you do not observe." A Scandal in Bohemia.

    A week ago we started series of blogs about data visualisation with covering the main aspects of qualitative visualisations. Followed by the logic of using visualisation on the different stages of a typical analytic process we proceed our way with describing the role of visualisation techniques in the exploratory data analysis (EDA). It is an actual topic as nowadays many EDA approaches have been assimilated into data mining, as well as into big data analytics.

    In the Data Visualisation Rush

    Data volumes which can be easily produced and accumulated nowadays are enormous but revealing their advantages is harder than ever. What we still need is complex and erratic information to be presented with clarity, efficiency and precision. For this purpose, we have a variety of data visualisation tools at our disposal, but in a rush, we can easily slip into vivid visualisation effects and lose benefits of the systematic approach of working with data.

    Therefore in anticipation of lifting Flexmonster Pivot Table Component to a new level, we start a series of weekly blogs about data visualisation. We will go all the way through often neglected basics to everyday tips for making your visual communication better. Let us start with a quick review of three key principles of the qualitative data visualisation.